Preview resolution
The new preview resolution speeds up the editing experience by scaling the video resolution of the monitors.
Project Bin
The logging experience just got better with the introduction of filters, you can now rate and color tag your clips.

Multicam Editing
New multicam editing interface allows you to select a track in the timeline by clicking on the project monitor.
Batch alignment of multiple clips to reference.
Pitch Shift
Pitch compensation feature when changing a clip’s speed.
OpentimelineIO import/export
Added import and export support to Pixar’s OTIO interchange format allowing interoperability with Final Cut 7 XML, Final Cut Pro X XML and Adobe Premiere to name a few (Full support list). Kdenlive Windows: coming soon.
Motion Tracking
The Motion Tracking received a batch of bug fixes and new tracking algorithms (CSRT and MOSSE). Kdenlive Windows: see version 20.04.1.
Zoom bar
New zoom bar for keyframes.
Interface and Usability
- Effect groups are back!
- Rotoscoping: Allow editing rotoscoping points before closing the shape, Shift + double click to add a new point, add/remove points on double click, double click center cross to resize, add horizontal/vertical only resize handles.
- Colored clips according to type in timeline.
- Direct drop clips to timeline.
- Facelift to monitor, project bin, timeline and audio mixer interfaces.
- Snapping: Disable snapping when pressing shift while dragging, press shift when using Spacer tool to disable snapping.
- Add menu in track header to switch between single and separate channel audio thumbnails.
- New Splash Screen.
- Render Profiles: added new audio profiles FLAC and ALAC, new alpha video profiles VP8, VP9 and MOV and GIF image export profile.
- Shortcuts: New shift + a shortcut to activate/deactivate target tracks, assign ‘g’ shortcut to add/remove guide, added standard F2 shortcut in Project Bin for renaming,
- Fixed ability to use fullscreen monitors.
- Fixed DVD wizard.
- Added audio backends options (DirectSound, WinMM and Wasapi) to the Windows version to prevent crackling in some cases.
Legacy features
Some features were not backported after the refactoring are back.
Audio Waveform Filter
The Audio Waveform Filter is back, just add it to the Master effects.
Effect Groups
Effect Groups are finally back, you can now create your effect combinations and use them across projects again.
Features video
Watch the video for a detailed overview of some of the features:
Full log
- Fix possible crash and corruption on track insert/delete. Commit.
- Fix bin tooltip for color clips (remove path). Commit.
- Fix crash on disable effect. Commit.
- Fix crash on cancel clip job & correctly handle abortion of stabilize job. Commit.
- Adjust space to disable bin rating. Commit.
- Fix crash on clip job. Commit.
- Fix effect param refresh issue and crash on undo add effect. Commit.
- Update splash image. Commit.
- Timeline track name: elide track name when collapsed or track height not sufficient. Commit.
- Fix freeze when changing bin selection. Commit. Fixes bug #419604
- Ensure we have a writable storage folder for imported documents. Commit.
- Remove unfinished/broken disable image scaling feature. Commit.
- Slightly larger default track height. Commit.
- Try to fix Windows default track size. Commit.
- Fix timeline scrolling when dragging item on high zoom. Commit.
- Improve track default height / header width. Commit.
- Don’t delete all thumbnails when changing project resolution but keeping same dar. Commit.
- Small fixes for track rec audio level. Commit.
- Bin rating: reserve some space to reset to 0 stars. Commit.
- Fix crash trying to import keyframes in rotoscoping effect. Commit.
- Fix project monitor update when fullscreen. Commit.
- Fix editing effects, resizing clip breaks loop play. Commit.
- Fix default track height to allow visible record controls. Commit.
- Export frame should use source resolution instead of project resolution. Commit. Fixes bug #419824
- Fix possible freeze on clip job deletion, ensure jobs are deleted when completed. Commit.
- Fix Windows build with cmake 3.17.0. Commit.
- Rubber selection should not always select bottom track compositions. Commit.
- Fix crash on folder import. Commit.
- Move scrollbars outside timeline, make vertical scroll slower. Commit.
- Minor improvement to track name alignment. Commit.
- Fix rubberband selection sometimes corrupting vertical scroll. Commit.
- Adjust minimum timeline icon size to reduce artifacts. Commit.
- Fix marker dialog thumbnails with movit. Commit.
- Don’t pause on fullscreen toggle. Commit.
- Set minimum height for timeline track icons. Commit.
- Fix monitor scene not correctly showing/hiding on enable/disable effect. Commit.
- Add insert zone to timeline monitor in menu. Commit.
- Fix dragging bin clip zone onto itself creates duplicate, and 1 frame offset in zones. Commit.
- Another attempt to fix Windows timeline icons. Commit.
- Fix opening relative paths from the command line. Commit.
- Fix build with Qt 5.15.0-beta3. Commit.
- Fix crash on clip paste when we didn’t have enough audio mirrors. Commit.
- Fix some clips with fps like 60.06 incorrectly matched to profile. Commit.
- Fix active track selection didn’t update vertical scrolling. Commit.
- Fix possible crash on audio thumbs abort. Commit. See bug #419603
- Delete key triggers Delete Script button. Commit.
- Add line to indicate resize handle and focus of timeline. Commit.
- Fix possible crash or freeze on multiple clip import. Commit. See bug #419603
- When monitor overlay is disabled, ensure we use the real fullscreen space (don’t reserve space for the ruler). Commit.
- Hide “separate channel” menu from video tracks, minor ui fix. Commit.
- Fix fast forwards sometimes playing after last frame. Commit.
- Fix DVD Wizard crash on chapters. Commit.
- Fix crash opening old project file. Commit. Fixes bug #419563
- Fix motion tracker filter broken on cut clips. Commit.
- Fix effects like tracker broken on some locales. Commit.
- Fix crash on undo and other issues in expand playlist. Commit.
- Fix composition tooltips. Commit.
- Make sure we don’t show clip tooltip on resize. Commit.
- Change group resize so that resizing a clip in a group will now resize all its elements. Commit.
- Enable sdl driver selection when switching back/forth between sdl and rtaudio. Commit.
- Fix master effectstack last keyframe goes beyond last frame. Commit.
- Fix default clip zone 1 frame too short. Commit.
- Don’t allow seeking outside clip bounds, use consistent Shift+Wheel to seek 1 second. Commit.
- Re-enable SDL audio driver (add some Windows backends). Commit.
- Update splash for RC. Commit.
- Fix crash on timeline clip deletion. Commit.
- Fix pasting video only effect on AV clip broken. Commit.
- Fix 1 frame offset in clip monitor zone causing issues on timeline insert. Commit.
- Fix cutting rotation effect breaks keyframes. Commit.
- Fix curves param losing params on copy/paste, don’t allow more than 5 points in curve (effect doesn’t support more). Commit.
- Show/hide track should create an undo/redo entry. Commit.
- Create Audio probe for recording on demand and not at startup. Commit.
- Rename track should trigger undo/redo command and update multitrack view. Commit.
- Don’t show clip tooltip when resizing or using fades. Commit.
- Show clip duration on hover. Commit.
- Fix multitrack view with only 1 visible track. Commit.
- Fix 1 frame offset when dropping color/image clips in timeline. Commit.
- Change monitor scaling action to normal combobox. Commit.
- Explain user if import/export is not available. Commit.
- Fix timeline tracks collapsed height. Commit.
- Fix composition track on expand/paste, and fade durations. Commit.
- Multitrack mode: auto refresh when a track visibility changes. Commit.
- Attempt to have better breeze style icons in timeline. Commit.
- Shift when using spacer tool disables snapping. Commit.
- Fix group snapping, don’t allow monitor zone where y < x. Commit.
- Disable snapping when pressing Shift while dragging a clip in timeline. Commit.
- Minor track header size adjustment. Commit.
- Fix () added to action name without shortcuts. Commit.
- Improve timeline AppImage font. Commit.
- Fix zone incorrectly updating with undo. Commit.
- Fix crash on zone undo. Commit.
- Relax snapping on zoom level > 16. Commit.
- Fix audio/video only buttons on clip monitor. Commit.
- Fix incorrect qml reference. Commit.
- Fix multitrack view track order, make whole screen clickable, highlight active track. Commit.
- Improve multitrack view (display clickable track names). Commit.
- Allow aligning several clips to audio reference. Commit.
- Fix audiomixer channels getting unnecessarily larger. Commit.
- Fix thumbnail preview for MLT playlists. Commit.
- Cleanup audiomixer (use line separators). Commit.
- Moving clip / rubber selection should trigger vertical scroll. Commit.
- Ensure we cannot create a project with 0 tracks. Commit. Fixes bug #419019
- Cleanup & fix compile warning in recent audiomixer change. Commit.
- Use alternate color for mixer channels and make levels font more visible. Commit.
- Fix compile warnings. Commit.
- Check for python before calling it, avoids Windows offering to install it. Commit.
- Refactor active track snapping and make zone in/out work with undo/redo. Commit.
- Fix build with Qt 5.15. Commit.
- Fix duplicate font declaration. Commit.
- Fix zone out snapping has a 1 frame offset. Commit.
- Fix dropped fps monitor overlay alignment. Commit.
- Refactor drop fps calculation, cleanup monitor markers & fps overlay. Commit.
- Add menu item in timeline to change audio thumbnail format. Commit.
- Key L should allow playing at normal speed. Commit.
- Larger monitor overlay timecode / fps. Commit.
- Add startup splash screen. Commit.
- Don’t seek to 0 if reverse play at end of clip monitor. Commit.
- Show monitor guides on effects scenes. Commit.
- Small fonts adjustments. Commit.
- Make timeline timecode font slightly larger. Commit.
- Add large warning in statusbar if movit enabled. Commit.
- Double click track resizer resets to default height. Commit.
- Make monitor preview resolution label clickable and cycle through resolutions. Commit.
- Ensure clip monitor audio/video ony drag doesn’t collide with marker. Commit.
- Make monitor zone tooltip more visible. Commit.
- Only show relevant effects in timeline clip context menu. Commit.
- Get rid of the automated “go” topmenu. Commit.
- Add more profiles. Commit.
- Ensure audio track is inserted at correct position if no existing audio. Commit.
- Revert commit 1ffc0b61 breaking group loading. Commit. See bug #418974
- Make monitor ruler zone slightly more opaque for better visibility. Commit.
- Fix startup crash introduced in last commit. Commit.
- Update record volume when changed from mixer. Commit.
- Restore cursore position on undo insert/overwrite zone. Commit.
- Play forward button should always start with >1 speed. Commit.
- Add make all tracks in/active (Shift+Alt+a). Commit.
- Fix crashes in expand clip. Commit.
- Fix crash on close. Commit.
- Make all timeline tracks active by default. Commit.
- Fix dual pass effects (motion tracker using incorrect zone). Commit.
- Fix expanding playlists with slowmotion clip, and some cases where expand would only expand some clips. Commit.
- Add switch active state of all tracks action (Shift+A) and restore Expand clip. Commit.
- Make QML labels translatable. Commit.
- Seek to next snap only considers active tracks. Commit.
- Fix “out point” marker in clip monitor has 1 frame offset. Commit.
- Revert set zone out to include current frame. Commit.
- Fix keyboard focus when both monitors are fullscreen. Commit.
- Ensure frame position consistency for out operations. Commit.
- Ensure audio track is inserted at correct position when no previous audio exists. Commit.
- Hide “show clip properties” from bin folder context menu. Commit.
- Don’t insert audio tracks in the middle of video tracks. Commit.
- Ensure parent is expanded when making action on a clip. Commit.
- Fix audio thumbs sometimes not appearing on clip quick insert. Commit. See bug #417110
- Setting clip out point should include current frame. Commit.
- Fix switching between clip and project monitor if both are fullscreen. Commit.
- Expand parent folder when creating a subfolder. Commit.
- Fix dropping clip in timeline can lead to crash if drop ended outside timeline. Commit.
- Restore menu entry to enable timeline audio record in track headers. Commit.
- Fix Bin sort order lost on exit and sort by insertion order broken. Commit.
- Rate, type and tag filter conditions should be evaluated outside of the loop. Commit.
- Fix filter. Rating filter was considering rates greater than the selected one. Commit.
- Don’t attempt to create thumbnails on color clips. Commit.
- Fix track compositing duplicated on track insert/delete. Commit.
- Disable audio monitor filters on save. Commit.
- Fix possible crash on profile switch. Commit.
- Fix timeline rubberband when scrolling. Commit. See bug #417209
- Don’t re-insert clip multiple times if drag exits in the headers area then re-enters timeline. Commit.
- Minor cleanup – remove spacer in monitor toolbar to make more space for audio levels. Commit.
- Fix tests. Commit.
- Flatpak: frei0r-plugins 1.7.0. Commit.
- Fix compile warning. Commit.
- Bump MLT dependency. Commit.
- Created alpha category and added alpha profiles from Shotcut https://github.com/mltframework/mlt/tree/master/presets/consumer/avformat/alpha. Commit.
- Various cleanup and fixes for assetlist. Commit.
- Use a different icon color for effect groups. Commit.
- Fix text template timeline thumbnail. Commit.
- Fix some compile warnings. Commit.
- Introduce category for compositions that should have default length on insertion. Commit.
- Minor cleanup. Commit.
- Fix crash on close. Commit.
- Disable marker actions when timeline cursor is not on selected clip. Commit.
- Allow filter job effects on tracks and master stack, fix crash. Commit.
- Fix duplicate multiple clips only duplicating first item. Commit. Fixes bug #418379
- Fix clip cannot be moved to 0 on some zoom level when another snap point was close to 0. Commit.
- Allow saving the full effect stack as an effect – kind of restores effect groups. Commit.
- Fix crash cutting group with composition. Commit. See bug #418378
- Added link to the nightly AppImage for easier locating of these builds for testing. Commit.
- Fix cache thumbs incorrectly using full res profile. Commit.
- Delay cache job to allow faster clip loading. Commit.
- Don’t package libgcrypt – fixes rendering on Ubuntu 16.10. Commit.
- Don’t delete clip when dragging from bin and trying to put it at frame 0 in timeline. Commit.
- Add some safety checks on paste clips. Commit.
- Fix clips having size bigger than their parent track. Commit.
- Fix clip monitor ruler not always adjusting to correct length. Commit.
- Fix paste speed clip broken on comma locale. Commit. See bug #418121
- Fix compile warning. Commit.
- Fix timeline keeping aspect ratio of initial profile after switch. Commit.
- Fix bin clips using wrong aspect ratio on profile change. Commit.
- Focus speed value when opening speed dialog. Commit.
- Fix possible crash on paste clip. Commit.
- Fix audio track tag on track insert. Commit.
- Fix broken timeline header position in some cases. Commit.
- Fix compile warning. Commit.
- Fix track tag name not updated on track insert/delete. Commit.
- Fix monitor overlay not updating on profile change. Commit.
- Improve some effect focus cases, fix compile warning. Commit.
- Add option to keep images at original size when added to project by adding resize filter. Commit.
- Fix 1 frame offset in fade out. Commit. See bug #416811
- Fix align and center icon in geometry param. Commit.
- Add paste effects in clip context menu. Commit.
- Fix crash setting effect geometry to frame size. Commit.
- Fix markers drawn outside clip. Commit.
- Fix regression and crash in effect focusing. Commit.
- *Assign ‘g’ shortcut to add/remove guide. Commit.
- Fix app losing focus on monitor fullscreen, re-add app fullscreen action to view menu. Commit.
- Cleanup effect activation. Commit.
- Fix geometry effects sometimes incorrectly focused on click. Commit.
- Fix crash on insert track. Related to #573. Commit.
- Update build-image.sh. Commit.
- Fix several aspect ratio issues including #569. Commit.
- AppImage: use rubberband git. Commit.
- Port some deprecated methods. Commit.
- Fix org.kde.kdenlive.appdata.xml. Commit.
- Switch to gtk+ 2.24 (fixed compilation issue on Ubuntu 16.04). Commit.
- Disable pitch compensation if rbpitch filter (rubberband) is not available in MLT. Commit.
- Fix minor EBN issues. Commit.
- Better handling of forwards / backwards play: fine tune speeds, restore audio scrubbing on some speeds, display playback speed in monitor toolbar. Commit.
- Fix display of vertical videos. Commit.
- Update Windows OpenGL backend names to more user friendly names. Commit.
- Fix changing of title clip duration broken. Commit. Fixes bug #417505
- Speed change triggers a new clip insert so no need to create a binding, also fix tests. Commit.
- Add color to title clips in the timeline. Commit.
- Fix possible corruption when pasting from another project that is a copy of current project. Commit.
- Fix recent change breaking effects with jobs (like motion tracker). Commit.
- Add pitch compensation to speed effect (requires MLT git). Commit.
- Display the marker comments by default. Commit.
- Add color to slideshow clips in the timeline. Commit.
- Fix audio mixer balance cannot be changed after project opening. Commit.
- Fix clip fades cannot be inserted after undoing. Commit.
- Rotoscoping: also add keyframe at current cursor pos on initial keyframe. Commit.
- Fix rotoscoping broken in some circumstances on cut clips. Commit.
- Fix tile clips created with monitor preview res. Commit. Fixes bug #417368
- Fix cannot update render filename. Commit.
- Fix pasted clips with negative speed have wrong in/out. Commit. See bug #417143
- Fix dropping effect on monitor. Commit.
- Fix minor typos. Commit.
- Integrate OTIO convertions. Commit.
- Add CSRT and MOSSE tracking algorithms in opencv.tracker filter. Commit.
- Correctly import keyframe type. Related to #554. Commit.
- Fix error in importing keyframes from clipboard. Commit.
- Improve rating painting and selection. Commit.
- Fix monitor fullscreen in some cases and don’t lose focus (broke shortcuts). Commit.
- *Use menu position for insert/remove space when necessary. Commit.
- Add replace clip feature. Commit.
- Fix frame size in monitor overlay with non square pixels. Commit.
- Adjust composition height to lower track. Commit.
- Preview scaling: width can be a multiple of 2, not 8. Commit.
- Don’t let track header buttons steal keyboard focus. Commit.
- Fix effectstack layout margin for qtblend effect. Commit.
- Add warning message when trying to set speed lower than allowed. Commit.
- Make use of KColorSchemeManager’s new handling of system theme (Backported from KDevelop). Commit.
- Fix error in previous commit (do change fps on profile change!!). Commit.
- Improve snapping, don’t allow resize on lower zoom levels. Commit.
- Use logarithmic scale for speed slider (should allow better speed adjustments). Commit.
- Revert attempt to fix Windows timeline icon size. Commit.
- Attempt to fix crash after profile change. Commit.
- Fix indentation in image clip condition. Commit.
- Try to make track icons larger on Windows. Commit.
- Fix misc compile warnings. Commit.
- Fix deprecation compile warnings. Commit.
- Adjust track head icon size. Commit.
- Fix forward/rewind affecting wrong monitor. Commit. Fixes bug #416917
- Enable clip jobs and convert/extract audio on subclips. Commit. Fixes bug #416616
- Filter effects in current category only. Commit.
- Fix crash on exit. Commit.
- Fix crash adding lift_gamma_gain with narrow effect stack. Commit.
- Cleanup: remove unused code. Commit.
- Add dependency on QtQuickControls2 to correctly style timeline controls. Commit.
- Get rid of remaining qml1 in timeline. Commit.
- Use standard Qt connection for qml ungrab. Commit.
- Switch timeline from ScrollView to Flickable. Commit.
- Only connect qml menus once (thanks Filippo Gentile). Commit.
- Indicate how to report bugs, not just the bug tracker url. Commit.
- Update Composition.qml for qml2 ScrollView. Commit.
- Update ClipThumbs.qml for qml2 ScrollView. Commit.
- Update Clip.qml for qml2 scrollview. Commit.
- Update ClipAudioThumbs.qml for qml2 scrollview. Commit.
- Update Timeline.js to remove qml1 references. Commit.
- Switch timeline to qml2 only (port qml1 code). Commit.
- Re-use better dialog for timeline change clip speed (with slider). Commit.
- Switch timeline headers menu to qwidget. Commit.
- Fix clip monitor not pausing at clip end, fix play zone activating wrong monitor. Commit.
- Nicer ui for timeline clip ctrl speed change. Commit.
- Switch timeline context menu to QWidget. Commit.
- Minor cleanup of qml’s selected id management. Commit.
- Fix audio thumbs of cut clips with speed effect. Commit.
- Fix possible startup crash (calling checkItemDeletion on close). Commit.
- Define imageColor function. Commit.
- *Switch timeline composition menu to QWidget instead of qml. Commit.
- Add function to assign color to image clips. Commit.
- Add imageColor property. Commit.
- Add condition to assign color to image clip type. Commit.
- Fix crash on movit clip jobs. Commit.
- Fix thumbnails with movit enabled. Commit.
- * Re-add extract clip in timeline context menu. Commit.
- Fix crash on undo speed change. Commit.
- Fix control resize to slow down a clip. Commit.
- Add missin 270p scaling. Commit.
- First draft of direct dropping in timeline. Commit.
- Fix incorrect clip height on collapse with shortcut. Commit.
- Switch timeline clip context menu to QWidget instead of Qml. Commit.
- Add shortcut to collapse/expand current effect or track. Commit. See bug #416680
- Fix index corruption on track deletion. Commit. See bug #416677
- Sort subclips in chronological order when sorting by date. Commit.
- Use standard rename action for bin rename (with standard F2 shortcut). Commit.
- Fix warnings. Commit.
- Adapt to MLT’s updated consumer scaling feature. Commit.
- Restore opening of clips from command line. Commit. See bug #416404
- Fix corruption on group move and fix timeline seek when shift pressed. Commit.
- Fix filters in some file dialogs. Commit.
- Debug stuff for possible qml producer. Commit.
- Don’t hardcode project display ratio for timeline thumbs. Commit.
- Ensure the monitor overlays work with consumer scaling. Commit.
- Make preview height multiple of 2, not 8 so we don’t affect aspect ratio too much. Commit.
- Cleaner deletion order on exit. Commit.
- Fix typo breaking timeline seeking. Commit.
- Timeline: don’t start rubber selection on minimal mouse move, fixes shift+click sometimes unselecting. Commit.
- Fix razor marker not updating. Commit.
- Don’t display timeline offset on non AV clips. Commit.
- Fix timeline broken behavior on clip deletion. Commit.
- Fix crash on new project with Qt 5.14. Commit.
- Implement MLT’s new consumer scaling feature. In Monitor menu, you can now select to work in full, 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 resolution. Commit.
- Rotoscoping: Add horizontal/vertical only resize handles. Related to #123. Commit.
- Rotoscoping: double click center cross to resize. Commit.
- Preliminary resize of rotoscoping, related to #123. Commit.
- Rotoscoping: cleanup & don’t allow inserting new points too close to existing ones. Commit.
- Giving the Properties panel a more explicit name. Commit.
- Small fixes for titler ui. Commit.
- Bin: ensure up button for icon view is hidden in tree view mode. Commit.
- Minor adjustments to keyframe view. Commit.
- Update bin filtering to use more standard button, allow filtering on multiple criterias. Commit.
- Add zoom bar to zoom on keyframes. Commit.
- Rotoscoping: don’t allow adding point in segment when shape is not closed. Commit.
- Rotoscoping: add/remove points on double click. Commit.
- Fix warning. Commit.
- Fix one empty frame left when trying to put 2 clips together. Commit.
- Shift + double click to add a new point to rotoscoping. Commit.
- Allow editing rotoscoping points before closing the shape. Commit.
- Hide option to overlay audio info from Project monitor (not supported). Commit.
- Cleanup timeline thumbnail mechanism on resize. Commit.
- Keep last known frame as thumbnail when resizing a clip. Commit.
- * Fix audio thumbs normalization (https://phabricator.kde.org/D26355). Commit.
- AddVersionOption()/addHelpOption() already adds by KAboutData::setApplicationData. Commit.
- Update Copyright year to 2020. Commit.
- Use project name as default render name. Commit.
- Fix transparent rendering. Commit.
- Fix extract zone (improve ffmpeg arguments and drop locale specific seconds conversion). Commit. See bug #411970
- Dont’ put colon in cut clip names. Commit.
- Ensure no improper rating filtering on start. Commit.
- Endl is Qt:: namespaced in qt5.15. Replace by “\\\\n”, flushed QTextStream. Commit.
- Add select all in bin. Commit.
- Cleaner drawing of rating background. Commit.
- Fix extract zone. Commit. See bug #411970
- * Add rating and sort by rating. Commit.
- Add sort by insert order. Commit.
- When a clip is dropped in bin, focus on it. Commit.
- Implement tag renaming and save in project file. Commit.
- Cleanup bin filter ui. Commit.
- Add sort by duration and filter by type actions. Commit.
- Implement tag filter in bin. Commit.
- Allow tagging all clips in a folder. Commit.
- Fix freeze on adding clip. Fixes #499. Commit.
- Improved tagging ui for bin clips. Commit.
- Initial implementation of bin clip tagging. Commit.
- Add Bin sorting menu (now works in icon view). Commit.
- Add Audio/Video drag icons in icon view. Commit. See bug #415454
- Inform user when something goes wrong with a filter. Commit.
- Fix build. Commit.
- Fix build. Commit.
- Fix minor EBN issues. Commit.