Besides the improvements to the Windows and macOS versions, Kdenlive is now runs on Apple’s M1 architecture and includes initial support for full range 10-bit color on all platforms — although note that 10-bit color does not work with effects yet. Kdenlive also automatically offers to transcode variable frame-rate videos to an editing-friendly format, and some filters, like Blur, Lift/Gama/Gain, Vignette and Mirror, are now slice threaded, which improves rendering speeds.
Encouraging support among users is one of our priorities and that’s why Kdenlive introduces Effect Templates in version 22.04. Effect Templates are custom effects that can be shared with other community members through the KDE Store and can be downloaded directly into Kdenlive. The store is already open and you can contribute your effects too!
The speech recognition interface got improvements to the highlight color of selected text, font size and it has been appropriately renamed to Speech Editor. Other changes include HighDPI and low resolution screen support, improved OpenTimelineIO handling, ASS subtitle fixes and added CR2, ARW and JP2 image formats.
The render dialog received an interface rewrite, drastically improving usability while giving the user more power by adding a new custom profile creation interface.

Improved render window

New preset creation window
Another highlight is the ability to render multiple videos by zones using the timeline guides.
The Icon View mode in the Project Bin received a major facelift as well.
Full log
- Ensure audio target track is remembered if we click on a bin clip with the same number of audio streams. Commit. See bug #452495
- Fix delete render preset on windows not working. Commit.
- Remove text label. Commit.
- Fix show clip properties action always disabled. Commit.
- Fix tests. Commit.
- Embed time remap ui in a scrollview so that Kdenlive can be used on small resolution (1024×768). Commit.
- Fix speech editor using large horizontal spacing when selected bin clip has long name. Commit.
- Fix timeline clip selection broken after a move undo operation. Commit.
- Enable highdpi. Commit.
- Mac OS: fix access to microphone. Commit.
- Fix monitor image size with non integer screen scaling. Commit.
- Fix app focus lost on Windows when exiting monitor fullscreen. Commit.
- Switch from QQuickView to QQuickWidget – fixes broken playback on Mac OS. Commit.
- Fix several cases of timeline losing focus. Commit.
- Correctly update “apply” button on monitor change. Commit.
- Make monitor detection more robust for fullscreen mode. Commit.
- Fix resetting effect does not clear timeline keyframe view, resulting in possible crash. Commit.
- Don’t propose rtaudio backend if not available. Commit.
- Fix layout warning. Commit.
- Fix play zone seeking to first frame of timeline. Commit.
- Fix import keyframes importing outside clip out. Commit.
- Remove confusing “autorotate” checkbox in transcode to edit friendly. Commit.
- Code quality fixes. Commit.
- Fix fullscreen monitor selection doesn’t work on Windows. Commit.
- Fix possible crash on exit. Commit.
- Don’t query producer length on each frame. Commit.
- Fix speed not saved in custom render profiles. Commit.
- Code quality fixes. Commit.
- Ensure we use the breeze widget style on first run in Mac. Commit.
- Make progress bar for effects more visible (for ex. in motion tracker). Commit.
- Fix project duration not updated on bin clip deletion. Commit.
- Fix timeline focus issues on drag & drop, fix mouse position and project duration in timeline toolbar not consistently updated. Commit.
- Fix no speech end time in analysed speech. Commit.
- Ignore audio files album art. Commit.
- Fix typo (missing space). Commit.
- Fix last silence analysis in speech to text, small drawing fixes. Commit.
- Fix creating guides from project notes. Commit.
- Fix line feed lost on project notes paste. Commit.
- Add invert param to luma mix to allow reversing direction of transition. Commit.
- Only save bin thumbnail on project save to avoid displaying incorrect thumb after unsaved project change. Commit.
- Fix freeze on add clip recently introduced. Commit.
- Fix thumbnail cache bug causing incorrect thumbs to sometimes display after saving project. Commit.
- Speech to text: cleaner html output for project files, fix work selection not really working. Commit.
- Fix foxus issue on effect drop. Commit.
- Smaller drag image in bin, also show it in icon view mode. Commit.
- Fix startup warning. Commit.
- Fix timeline focus issues on drag and drop. Commit.
- Fix timeline scrolling below zero and timeline drag/drop bug. Commit.
- [Renderer] Fix wrongly inverted logic to hide “Generate Script” button. Commit.
- Fixes for saving and editing render presets. Commit.
- [Render Presets] GOP and B-Frames params: enable only if it makes sense. Commit.
- Fix possible crash in bin when selecting a clip. Commit.
- [Renderer] Reset DAR to 1:1 on resolution override to avoid errors. Commit.
- [Render Presets] Combo Box for PAR to prevent render errors. Commit.
- Fix rubberband selection on scroll, and don’t overlap track headers, fix move clip + mouse wheel. Commit. Fixes bug #417209
- Fix razor tool misbehaviour on subtitle track. Commit.
- Fix keymap info on subtitle track. Commit.
- Fix timecode rounding for fps like 23.98. Commit. Fixes bug #435213
- Fix double warning and duplicate folder on manage cache data deletion. Commit. Fixes bug #434754
- Keep focus on clip monitor after editing marker. Commit. Fixes bug #433595
- Right click on a timeline guide seeks to its position and shows context menu. Commit. Fixes bug #441014
- Fix editing title/color clips does not invalidate timeline preview. Commit. Fixes bug #437427
- Titler: remember and restore last used text alignment. Commit. See bug #413572
- Bin: tree view: hide audio/video icons for audio or video only clips. icon view: hide audio/video icons depending on zoom level, fix tag color covering thumb on drop. Commit.
- [Render Widget] Prettify by removing some frames. Commit.
- [Render Presets] Always disable “Scanning” properly if “Progressive”. Commit.
- [Renderer] Fix preset gets deleted if saving is canceled. Commit.
- Fix selection in bin icon view. Commit.
- Fix previous commit (inverted logic). Commit.
- Fix extract frame using proxy clips. Commit.
- Fix “Clip” menu not properly update. Commit.
- Fix regression “Extract Audio” always hidden. Commit.
- [Render Widget] Fix threads param not updated. Commit.
- Make audio/video usage icons more visible. Commit.
- Spot remover, start with a small zone, not full screen. Commit.
- Fix crash and corruption (disappearing effect) when dropping a clip close to 0 in timeline. Commit.
- Fix open clip in bin when multiple bins and in icon view. Commit.
- Multiple fixes for bin. Commit.
- Improve tooltip on mix enter/exit/resize, display number of selected clips and duration in status bar. Commit.
- Rename “Text edit” widget to more descriptive “Speech editor”. Commit.
- [Renderer] Fix: quality slider was reversed. Commit.
- Fix minor typos. Commit.
- [Render Presets] Fix: “channels” has a UI control. Commit.
- [Render] Don’t allow to set rate control for pcm_ audio codecs. Commit.
- Fix crash and corruption on mix resize, add tests. Commit.
- Turn off seek on add effect on first start. Commit.
- Fix reset tracker effect incorrectly moves analyse rectangle. Commit.
- Proper approach to set default render preset. Commit.
- Fix project storage folder incorrectly stored, resulting on modified project on open. Commit.
- [Render Widget] Refactoring and feature extension. Commit. Fixes bug #415610
- Fix clip task sometimes not performed because of older pending task. Commit.
- Merge disable autorotate and force rotation on same line in clip properties, fix disable video stream. Commit.
- Fix transcoding to correctly adjust to audio/video only transcode when required, adjust button text to inform user. Commit.
- Fix effect stack cleared on clip copy. Commit.
- Fix defects. Commit.
- Keyframe fixes: fix keyframe view not updated on clip resize and timeline position in keyframe view not updated on clip move. Commit.
- Fix timeline preview invalidated by composition on project load. Commit.
- Add option to seek to clip on add effect (enabled by default, can be disabled from Kdenlive Settings > timeline). Commit.
- Slideshow clips: display image duration and count in clip properties. Commit.
- Slideshow animations now use external config file instead of hardcoded, remember last image type. Commit.
- Increase the flexablilty of importing captions. See issue #1361. Commit.
- Unbreak slideshow animation. Default animation are still quite bad, we could improve or allow custom. Commit. See bug #438880
- Fix regression: edit clip always disabled. Commit.
- Fix concurrency issue breaking effect parameters. Commit.
- Fix mouse wheel behavior on effect parameters. Commit.
- Fix guides can be move to position < 0. Commit.
- Don’t allow editing of current profile to prevent crashes. Commit.
- Improvements for field order option. Commit.
- [Project Settings] Fix: open selected profile instead of first. Commit.
- Seperate HTML and translatable strings. Commit.
- Add field order option to project settings. Commit.
- Move audio scrub confif from Kdenlive Settings to Monitor menu, and make it possible with a shortcut. Commit.
- USe not deprecated KDE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR variable. Commit.
- Ensure timeline clips are reloaded on change. Commit.
- Fix rotation param cannot be copied between keyframes. Commit.
- Ensure monitors are raised on click in bin or timeline. Commit.
- Fix “Locate Clip” always hidden. Commit.
- Don’t allow creating keyframe outside clip after resizing. Commit.
- On project load, ensure reverse mixes are correctly detected. Commit.
- Fix timeline thumbs when changing speed of clip. Commit.
- Fix timeline video thumbs on clips with speed effect. Commit.
- Fix same track transition resize glitch. Commit.
- Don’t attempt to proxy mp3 clips with cover art. Commit.
- [Project Profile Editor] Face lift and refactoring. Commit.
- Fix audio thumbs of reversed clips. Commit.
- Fix timeline broken in previous commit. Commit.
- Fix timeline audio thumbs sometimes not correcty updating. Commit.
- Transcoding: display info for files requiring transcoding, improve handling of audio only/video only files. Commit.
- Transcode to edit friendly format: handle audio only and video only clips. Commit.
- Replace the “Transcode…” option from bin context menu and replace with the option to transcode to an edit friendly format. Commit.
- Follow MLT consumer properties renaming. Commit.
- Validate 3D LUT CUBE files to prevent crashing in FFmpeg filter. Commit.
- Fix tags corrupting audio/video icons in bin. Commit.
- Fix audio thumb speed not correctly initialized (broke monitor thumbs). Commit.
- Fix audio thumbs for clips with speed effect. Commit.
- Fix crash cutting a grouped subtitle. Commit.
- [Code Gardening] Use qRound instead of +0.5. Commit.
- Fix 1 pixel offset at some zoom factors. Commit.
- Fix build with KDE Frameworks < 5.77. Commit.
- [Effect Stack] Indicate position on drag&drop. Commit.
- Correctly update add/remove keyframe button on undo/redo and active keyframe on speed change. Commit.
- Fix possible crash in extract zone. Commit.
- Fix thumbnails for playlist clips having a different resolution than project profile. Commit.
- Fix clip target tracks and properties not properly set for first clip when creating a new project. Commit.
- Fix header comment. Commit.
- Fix crash updating speed before/after in time remap. Commit.
- On project close, ensure non loaded clips don’t leak to the new project (part 2). Commit.
- Fix proxy clips not correctly disabled on rendering. Commit.
- On project close, ensure non loaded clips don’t leak to the new project. Commit.
- Add debug info to better understand proxy rendering issue. Commit.
- Fix sometimes cannot resize clip when there is a 1 frame gap. Commit.
- Various fixes for remove space in subtitle track. Commit.
- Time remap: only seek clip monitor if visible. Commit.
- Fix same track transitions sometimes broken by clip resize. Commit.
- Fix 1 frame offset in subtitles when removing space. Commit.
- Fix timeline preview sometimes using old rendered file instead of recreating a preview. Commit.
- Fix bin clip thumbnails sometimes not created. Commit.
- Show clip labels as soon as there is one letter width. Commit.
- Fix marker thumbnail size. Commit.
- Don’t show clip thumbs on when clip is too small (<16 pixels). Commit.
- [Titler] Fix: don’t remember outline value with factor 10. Commit.
- [Bin] Improve/fix ToolBar overflow. Commit.
- [Monitors] Improve/fix ToolBar overflow. Commit.
- [Monitors] Improve audio volume widget. Commit.
- [Wizard] Fix wrong subtitle effect detection. Commit.
- [Effect UI] Improve/fix ToolBar overflow. Commit.
- Missing change from last commit (fix remove space). Commit.
- Fix “remove space” not working on 1 frame space. Commit.
- Only create proxy clips automatically if requested. Commit.
- Fix audio wave for non stereo clips. Commit.
- Remove configureToolbar hack for >= KF 5.91. Commit.
- [Titler] Fix text outline width steps (does only seem to support int). Commit.
- Now that everything is fixed in Craft, use the new KNS dialog on windows. Commit.
- Fix qml binding loop warning. Commit.
- Add option in timeline preview menu to render preview using original clips, not proxies (disabled by default). Commit.
- Add Set zone in/out to timeline ruler context menu. Commit.
- [flatpak] update frei0r for alpha render fix. Commit.
- Fix clip thumbnails extending past clip length. Commit.
- Add missing vertical spacer. Commit.
- Fix adjust to original size using proxy resolution. Commit.
- Try to fix ghost icons on Windows. Commit.
- Major speedup in audio thumbs drawing on high zoom levels. Commit.
- [Nightly Flatpak] Update to ffmpeg 5.0. Commit.
- Fix clip name not scrolling anymore. Commit.
- Fix unusable bin icon for audio/video drag. Commit.
- Don’t update dock title bars several times on layout change. Commit.
- “Add Marker/Guide quickly” allow shortcut * only on keypad (otherwise *. Commit. Fixes bug #434411
- Fix action name: “Save Timeline Zone to Bin” is not what it does. Commit. Fixes bug #436386
- Fix Wayland crash on layout switch. Commit.
- Minor optimization for audio thumbs drawing. Commit.
- [Packaging Type] Try to detect snap automatically. Commit.
- L10n improvements by @bellaperez: *.ui files. Commit.
- L10n improvements by @bellaperez: Misc. Commit.
- Show details of external proxy profile in project settings. Commit.
- Fix .ass subtitle files not correctly read. Commit.
- Ensure processes are in the path before starting an executable. Commit.
- Fix timeline keyframes sometimes disappearing from view. Commit.
- Fix wrong comparison of current settings and settings stored in the project settings dialog. Commit.
- Fix sometimes cannot move grouped clip right when only 1 empty frame. Commit.
- Clip stabilize: keep track of bin clip rotation. Commit.
- Render at preview resolution: store in project file instead of global config. Commit.
- When saving effect, show it under its name, not id in effect list. Commit.
- Fix fade effects not correctly saved or pasted. Commit.
- Fix vp8 with alpha render profile. Commit.
- Fix clip monitor allowing seek past clip length with transparency background enabled. Commit.
- Rendering: add option to render at preview resolution for faster preview rendering. Commit.
- Fix green tint on first image extract. Commit.
- Show package type in about dialog. Commit.
- Improve Sandbox detection, use dedicated config files for sandbox packages. Commit.
- Timeline preview: use compact format when calling renderer. Commit.
- Refactor Kdenlive Settings. Commit.
- Minor cleanup of add marker ui. Commit.
- Ensure thumbnail preview profile is not changed by clip resolution. Commit.
- More alpha render quality fixes. Commit.
- PACKAGING CHANGE!! Introduce PACKAGE_TYPE envvar. Commit.
- Try to improve alpha render quality. Commit. Fixes bug #436879. Fixes bug #430093. Fixes bug #357153
- When transoding variable fps clips, ensure we keep all streams. Commit.
- Fix recently introduced memory leak. Commit.
- Fix MLT’s build for nightly AppImage following a recent MLT change. Commit.
- Fix alpha render and add utvideo. Commit. Fixes bug #448010. See bug #436879
- Timeline preview: when saving, store rendered chunks in a more clever list (like 0-1700 instead of listing each 0,25,50,75,… until 1700). Commit.
- Show number of Bin clips / selected clip in status bar, fix rename / focus clip in icon view. Commit.
- Change defualt shortcut or “Multitrack View” to F12. Commit.
- Fix freeze trying to drag a clip that was just added to Bin. Commit.
- Append fps to clip name when transcoding a variable fps clip. Commit.
- Add recent MLT rotate feature to easily rotate a video clip from clip properties. Commit.
- Fix timeline ruler not working after effect drop in some circumstances. Commit.
- Fix possible crash on undo/redo transcoding. Commit.
- Warn user when trying to render an empty timeline, some widget cleanup. Commit.
- Fix various bugs in timeremap (keyframes random move, crashes). Commit.
- [otio] In case of an error check if it is due to the installed version. Commit.
- Add default shortcut to “Multitrack view”: Shift+0. Commit.
- [OTIO] Differentiate between read and write adapters. Commit. Fixes bug #448318
- Add python interface. Commit. Fixes bug #423083
- Time Remap: don’t allow keyframe after last frame of source clip. Commit.
- Timeremap should only be available on clips without B frames. Propose transcoding otherwise. Commit.
- Show warnings if avfilter, especially avfilter.subtitles was not found. Commit.
- [Setup Wizard] Show codes if there are only info messages, fix doc link. Commit.
- Protect timeline preview list with mutex. Commit.
- Fix minor typo. Commit.
- At least a little bit more order in configure shortcuts dialog. Commit.
- Fix slideshow duration not updated on profile change. Commit.
- Fix save path for custom render profiles on Windows following commit 90b1e4. Commit.
- Fix detection of missing timeline preview chunks on opening. Commit.
- Don’t attempt to create audio thumbs if thumbs are disabled. Commit. Fixes bug #448304
- Neutral background, separator and tooltip for tool name in statusbar. Commit.
- Speedup loading of projects with timeline preview. Commit.
- Add some default LUT files. Commit.
- Revert fileWatcher to private one, as the global app sometimes messes with us (when opening a file dialog). Commit.
- Fix extract frame on Windows (also used for Titler and scopes). Commit.
- We still need the magic lantern icon. Commit.
- Reducing to compatible subset for licensing consistency. Commit.
- Fix dragging a composition sometimes moved it to the beginning of the clip. Commit.
- Use a SPDX standard license identifier in Appstream data. Commit. Fixes bug #448134
- Make it easier to drag a same track composition (include snapping point). Commit.
- Fix inconsistencies in profile switch check. Commit.
- Fix loading progress not disappearing and incorrect “clip already exists” message. Commit.
- Fix bin accepting invalid clips. Commit.
- Update build MLT >= 7.0.0. Commit.
- When adding many clips to a project, show loading progress in status bar. Commit.
- Deprecate and fallback icons and disable by default. Commit.
- Fix regression after 8f445516159a06654be649d7c70a2aae9788f071. Commit.
- Fix freeze trying to change profile while load tasks were running. Commit.
- FIx after 7ef5187fe2d6448fc4c2ae29df6e861ddf7de41c. Commit.
- Fix crash on layout change. Commit.
- Fix cleanup regression (disappearing titles). Commit.
- Fix tab widget tooltips containing ampersand. Commit. See bug #447825
- Partly Revert 19b9a0b7 since it caused trouble. Commit.
- Fix shortcuts sometimes broken with fullscreen monitor. Commit.
- Qml required property is not supported in Qt < 5.15. Commit.
- Remove unused code for codec check in wizard. Commit.
- Add missing license headers, fix some existing. Commit.
- Some clean up of unused code. Commit.
- Fix bin clip not correctly reloaded on profile change, causing missing audio thumbs. Commit.
- Massive speedup on project load (at least when working on nfs filesystem). Commit.
- Switch to global fileWatcher. Commit.
- Edit friendly transcoding: add option to disable autorotate during transcoding. Commit.
- [Monitors] Ctrl+Wheel instead of Ctrl+Shift+Wheel. Commit.
- [Clip Monitor] Fix flicker on hover of “In Point” / “Out Point” Label. Commit.
- Refactor monitor tool bars (Pt. 1). Commit.
- Referactoring: Move ZoomBar to a generic component. Commit.
- Minor optimization on project load (don’t unnecessarily request a frame). Commit.
- [Timeline Zoombar] More improvements. Commit.
- [Timeline Zoombar] Improvments. Commit.
- Fix shortcuts sometimes broken on fullscreen monitor. Commit.
- Fix build after last commit. Commit.
- [Splash] Add KDE Branding, cleanup unused files. Commit.
- Fix minor typo. Commit.
- Fix minor typos. Commit.
- Fix audio thumbs not created after profile change. Commit.
- Fix window title using custom path instead of profile description. Commit.
- Fix compilation warnings (function type compatibility). Commit.
- Automatically offer to transcode variable frame rate clips. Commit.
- Happy New Year Kdenlive! (Update AboutData Copyright Year). Commit.
- Check for variable frame rate clips and propose transcoding (WIP). Commit.
- [Titler] Add some tool tips for select actions. Commit.
- Add xml ui for audiolevelgraph effect and other xml format fixes. Commit.
- Fix compilation with KF5 < 5.89. Commit.
- Fix multiple bins should always stay tabbed together. Commit.
- Add JP2 image format. Commit.
- Minor improvements for OTIO handling. Commit.
- Update user manual link for dasiam instructions. Commit.
- Fix profile corruption. Commit.
- Fix possible crash working with placeholder clips with speed effect. Commit.
- Include clip markers and effect params in test hash function for better regression tracking. Commit.
- Ability to make image seqiences from raw photos. Commit.
- Move default lut value to proper function. Commit.
- CppCheck fixes Pt. 4. Commit.
- CppCheck fixes Pt. 3. Commit.
- CppCheck fixes Pt. 2. Commit.
- Fix last commit always resetting lut file to first installed one on project load. Commit.
- Ensure lut effect is initialized with a file when added. Commit.
- Update file test, add a timeline hash function to check if a document is identical before / after save. Commit.
- Fix inconsistencies in subtitle model leading to broken (uneditable) items. Commit.
- Remove unused/duplicate code. Commit.
- Fix some compiler and CppCheck warnings. Commit.
- Re-use NegQColor. Commit.
- Fix build with fuzzing. Commit.
- Attempt to fix threading test crash. Commit.
- [nightly flatpak] update dependencies. Commit.
- Add tests to prevent project corruption on color/title/image clip resize as happened in 21.08.3. Commit.
- Use AppLocalDataLocation on all plattform to finde KNS items. Commit.
- Improve urllistwidget for effects. Commit.
- Fix compile failure after last merge. Commit.
- Make it possible to run composition tests independent from each other. Commit.
- Fix tests. Instead of returning random profile, use dv_pal when no config file is found. Commit.
- Uptade frei0r.scale0tilt.xml with Scale X and Y parameters now animated. Commit.
- Make it possible to enable/disable track with a shortcut. Commit. Fixes bug #440181
- Clean up code after 9aaf43a1. Commit.
- Install templates to “kdenlive/effect-templates”. Commit.
- Add option to download effect templates from Commit.
- Make it possible to export custom effect xmls. Commit.
- Add two template effects authored by @massimostella. Commit.
- Add infrastruture for template effects. Commit.
- Fix display of timeline usage in clip monitor. Commit.
- Show timeline usage in clip monitor. Commit.
- Add some tests for spacer operations. Commit.
- Require at least CMake 3.16. Commit.
- Add UI for the frei0r_transparency effect. Commit.
- Attempt to fix slideshow detection on Windows. Commit.
- Add a position widget to mix parameters to allow sliding the mix. Commit.