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Kdenlive 24.08.0 released
Kdenlive 24.08 is out, and while summer is usually a quieter time for the team, this update comes packed with nifty new features, enhancements, and quality-of-life improvements, specially for Effects and Transitions. This version boosts performance in sequence...
Kdenlive Café
The first Kdenlive Café of the year will be on Tuesday, September 3rd at 7PM UTC (9PM CET). Come chat with the team! Join us at:
Kdenlive 24.05.2 released
The second maintenance release of the 24.05 series is out, Full changelog Fix guides categories not correctly saved in document. Commit. Fixes bug #489079. Fix adding record track adds a normal audio track. Commit. Fixes bug #489080. Fix rendering with aspect ratio...