Latest News
Kdenlive 17.04.2 released
A minor release is out fixing a couple crashes in the titler and Affine transition as well as improving a Windows rendering issue. Note that all focus and energy are still on the timeline refactoring due for 17.08. Soon we will provide an AppImage version for testing,...
Kdenlive 17.04.1 released
With the ongoing refactoring at full throttle a minor bug fix released with the ability to use VAAPI in transcoding and rendering by inserting a pre-parameter in you encoding profile (refer to commit and bug report for more info), a performance improvement and some...
Meet us at Kdenlive café #17 and #18
Are you ready for the next 2 Kdenive cafés? During these new 2 hours meetings, we'll check the status of the timeline refactoring and we'll discuss the future of the Libre Video Editor Program. Bring your contribution and partecipate! We'll meet on May the 31st and on...