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Kdenlive café #15 tonight

Kdenlive café #15 tonight

Kdenlive development might look a bit slow these last months, but we are very busy behind the scene. You can join us tonight on our monthly café to get an insight of the current developments, follow the discussions or ask your questions. Café will be at 21pm, european...

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Kdenlive 16.12.3 is out

Kdenlive 16.12.3 is out

The last release of the 16.12 branch brings a few, but important improvements, like fixing a couple of crashes and avoiding a possible corruption as well as a overnight render bug along with other minor stability improvements. All in all 16.12 was a great release and...

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Kdenlive 16.12.2 released

Kdenlive 16.12.2 released

The second maintenance release of the 16.12 series is out, part of KDE Applications 16.12.2. This release fixes startup crashes with some graphic cards, as well as some fixes to MOVIT (GPU effect processing) and minor stability issues. The Appimage version as well as...

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