La dernière et plus excitante version de Kdenlive de cette année est sortie et apporte des fonctionnalités attendues depuis longtemps comme le montage multicam et le mode de découpage par glissement (trimming), qui facilité considérablement l’organisation du travail.

Cette version est également dotée d’un nouvel algorithme de suivi (tracking) basé sur “l’apprentissage profond” (deep-learning), d’un filtre de réduction du bruit auto-magique et de la prise en charge de plusieurs bibliothèques (project bins). En parlant de bibliothèques, vous pouvez désormais importer vos séquences vidéo ou vos dossiers d’enregistrement audio en ignorant automatiquement les structures de sous-dossiers créées par certains appareils, tels que les caméscopes Sony XDCam, Panasonic P2, Canon ou les enregistreurs audio Zoom.

En dehors de toutes ces fonctionnalités pratiques, le nouveau Kdenlive apporte un grand nombre d’améliorations et de corrections dans de nombreux domaines, notamment en ce qui concerne les transitions sur une même piste (same-track transitions)  et l’outil de suivi (motion tracker). Nous avons également ajouté une option permettant de mettre en boucle le plan sélectionné dans la timeline, et, en appuyant sur ESC, vous pouvez maintenant revenir par défaut au mode sélection lorsque vous utilisez les outils d’édition.

Entre-autres nouvelles, nous avons changé notre manuel d’utilisation pour une nouvelle architecture appelée Sphinx. Sphinx offre une expérience bien meilleure et plus conviviale, tout en facilitant la maintenance. Au cours de ce changement, nous avons commencé à mettre à jour d’anciennes sections, tout en en ajoutant de nouvelles. C’est une grande opportunité pour la communauté de contribuer, regardez ici ! La version macOS (version Intel) est maintenant considérée comme stable et prête pour le prime time. Nous avons également mis à jour la licence de notre base de code à GPLv3.



Découpage par glissement

Kdenlive 21.12 est livré avec le mode de découpage Slip qui décale, en une seule opération, les points IN et OUT d’un plan vers l’avant ou vers l’arrière d’un même nombre d’images, tout en conservant la durée originale et sans affecter les clips adjacents. Les prochains modes sur la feuille de route sont Ripple (qui est livré avec une implémentation initiale dans cette version), Slide et Roll, qui arriveront dans les versions futures.


Sélectionnez un plan dans la timeline et allez dans le menu Outil -> Outil de glissement. Vous pouvez alors faire glisser le clip dans la timeline pour le faire glisser.

Montage multicam

Ajoutez vos clips dans différentes pistes, mais à la même position dans la timeline et activez l’outil multicam en allant dans le menu outils -> Multicam. Vous pouvez découper les clips dans la piste souhaitée pendant la lecture de la timeline en appuyant sur les numéros correspondants (pour la piste V1, appuyez sur la touche 1 ; pour la piste V2, appuyez sur la touche 2, etc…) ou simplement sélectionner la piste souhaitée dans le moniteur du projet en cliquant dessus avec la souris.

Suivi de mouvement (Motion Tracking)


DaSiamRPN Tracker

L’algorithme de suivi visuel de DaSiamRPN s’appuie sur des modèles “d’apprentissage profond” (deep-learning) pour fournir des résultats extrêmement précis. Veuillez noter que cette fonctionnalité nécessite le téléchargement préalable des modèles d’IA, voir les instructions ici.


Masquage d’objets

Cette version est livrée avec de nouvelles méthodes de masquage des objets comme Pixelate et Opaque Fill.

Bibliothèques multiples

Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité permet de créer différentes bibliothèques à partir de dossiers. Vous pouvez fermer les bibliothèques supplémentaires en appuyant sur CTRL + w ou à partir du menu hamburger de la bibliothèques que vous souhaitez fermer.

Full log
  • Move default lut value to proper function. Commit.
  • Fix last commit always resetting lut file to first installed one on project load. Commit.
  • Ensure lut effect is initialized with a file when added. Commit.
  • Fix inconsistencies in subtitle model leading to broken (uneditable) items. Commit.
  • Don’t allow typewriter effect on clip other than text (caused a freeze). Commit.
  • After extract operation, seek cursor to in point. Commit.
  • Fix possible crash on rotoscoping edit. Commit.
  • Fix crash on misconfigured wipe composition. Commit. Fixes bug #446203
  • Keyframe import fixes: crash importing to effect rect without opacity, fix motion tracker exporting with opacity=0, fix limiting keyframes messing import. Commit.
  • Fix crash importing empty keyframes. Commit.
  • Update 21.12 splashscreen. Commit.
  • Fix keyframe selection on add. Commit.
  • Fix add keyframe does not selected. Commit.
  • Fix extract frame using monitor preview resolution. Commit.
  • Fix pasting items in timeline to use mouse / cursor position depending on how it is called menu / shortcut. Commit.
  • Spacer tool: Don’t allow independant move of grouped items. Commit. See bug #443324
  • Fix tool label width in statusbar. Commit.
  • Fix crash moving clip with mixes in insert/overwrite mode. Commit.
  • Fix group move with mix sometimes broken. Commit.
  • Fix errors/crash in insert mode (lift/extract) with mixes. Commit.
  • Fix crash using spacer tool on grouped clips with a clip in the group positioned before spacer start operation. Commit. Fixes bug #443324
  • Fix mix cut pos lost when switching mix composition. Commit.
  • Luma transition: add option to control alpha channel (fixes transition on clips with different aspect ratios). Commit.
  • Insert/overwrite mode: delete mixes on clip move. Commit.
  • Fix end resize bug. Commit.
  • Fix cannot move clip left when only 1 frame space. Commit.
  • Remove useless string duplication. Commit.
  • Fix blank length calculation allowing incorrect 1 frame overlap in some cases. Commit.
  • Fix crash on undo mix cut. Commit.
  • Fix left resize regression. Commit.
  • Fix right mouse click behavior on monitor when effect scene is displayed. Commit.
  • Another round of mix resize issues, with added tests. Commit.
  • Another fix for mix resize corruption. Commit.
  • Fix another clip marker issue introduced with old code for Ripple. Commit.
  • Fix some mix resize issues allowing to create invalid mixes. Commit.
  • Fix broken find/replace breaking timeline clip markers display. Commit.
  • Fix some 1 frame clip mix incorrectly detected as invalid. Commit.
  • Appstream Data: the manual is now at Commit.
  • Extract frame from timeline monitor now correctly disables proxy to create a full res image. Commit.
  • Fix MLT api change causing startup crash on movit (Movit still not usable). Commit. See bug ##442880
  • Track name edit: fix focus issue, enable F2 shortcut. Commit. Fixes bug #440185
  • “Go to clip start/end” should use clip under cursor if none is selected. Commit. Fixes bug #440024
  • Fix transcoding of title clips. Commit.
  • Typewriter effect should not be blacklisted!. Commit. Fixes bug #445232. See bug #436113
  • Fix “Select Transition” should select mixes too. Commit. Fixes bug #440023
  • Fix display of timeline usage in clip monitor. Commit.
  • Show timeline usage in clip monitor. Commit.
  • Fix default project path ignored on creating new project. Commit. Fixes bug #444595
  • Fix warning. Commit.
  • Fix audio/video only drag from bin. Commit.
  • Hide audio mix from transitions list in same track and composition stack. Commit.
  • Fix possible crash in url effect parameter. Commit.
  • Fix crash on close. Commit.
  • Fix video only clips displaying audio icon. Commit.
  • Allow closing secondary bin. Commit.
  • Also display usage icon on non AV clips. Commit.
  • Improve visibilty of bin clip usage (colored icons). Commit.
  • Bin icon view: clips used in timeline use bold font for name. Commit.
  • Bin icon view: make audio /video drag icons more visible on hover. Commit.
  • Switch multicam view to qtblend composition to avoid monitor preview scaling issues. Commit.
  • Multiple bins: put folder name as widget title, enable up button and double click to enter folder in secondary bins. Commit.
  • Added UI for the frei0r_transparency effect. Commit.
  • Hide secondary bin title bar. Commit.
  • Fix incorrect QList insert. Commit.
  • Fix render time overlapping text button. Commit.
  • Attempt to fix slideshow detection on Windows. Commit.
  • Remove old custom function to append shortcut to action tooltip, causing shortcuts to appear twice. Commit.
  • Keyframe import: display user friendly param name in combobox, fix import of opacity. Commit.
  • Fix affine (Transform) opacity is now in the 0-1 range with MLT7, fix cairo affine blend composition default params. Commit.
  • Disable duplicate keyframe when cursor is over a keyframe. Commit.
  • Ctrl+A in bin will select all items in current folder. Switching from tree view to icon view keeps selection. Commit.
  • Allow seeking by clicking on zoombar when not zoomed. Commit.
  • Fix keyframe incorrectly moved when attempting to seek in keyframe view. Commit.
  • Titler: prevent selecting inexisting font. Commit.
  • Fix some issues in multiple bin. Commit.
  • Multi bin: activate through folder context menu event, dock new bins with the main bin. Commit.
  • Ripple: several fixes. Commit.
  • Add ripple to tool and menu bar. Commit.
  • Fixes for Slip and add Ripple (not feature complete yet). Commit.
  • Allow creating multiple Project bin widgets. Commit.
  • Mixes: switch to slider to adjust mix position in settings. Commit.
  • Fix mix duration indicated 1 frame less than real. Commit.
  • Fix same track indicator on composition drop not showing correctly. Commit.
  • Remove debug. Commit.
  • Mixes: add button in composition list widget to display only transitions. Dragging a transition over a clip cut between 2 clips will add a same track mix. Commit.
  • When resizing an unaligned mix, increase/decrease left/right side alternatively for better result. Commit.
  • Fix audio mix duration / position incorrect in mix widget. Commit.
  • Add a position widget to mix parameters to allow sliding the mix. Commit.
  • Fix some mix resize issues. Commit.
  • Mix resizing: allow to go down to 1 frame. Commit.
  • Fix moving clip with mixes on same track. Commit.
  • Fix mix tests. Commit.
  • Fix crash introduced with a29dcd7f. Commit.
  • Resize Mix left side: limit to previous clip length, fix undo corruption. Commit.
  • Fix recent mix regression. Commit.
  • Fix Bin hover thumbnails in icon view mode. Commit.
  • Fix incorrect mix deletion when moving a mixed clip on same track. Commit.
  • Fix crash on mix undo. Commit.
  • Fix clazy warnings. Commit.
  • Fix monitor play zone. Commit.
  • Fix timeline corruption on title clips resize. Commit.
  • Fix crash undoing clip move with mix. Commit.
  • Fix corruption introduced in recent mix change. Commit.
  • Prevent possible crash closing project with a track effect. Commit.
  • Fix crash on mix undo. Commit.
  • Keyframes: moving a keyframe in timeline will also move other selected keyframes. Commit.
  • Fix wipe and slide compositions broken on resize. Commit.
  • Fix minor typo. Commit.
  • Add tooltips on keyframe hover. Commit.
  • Fix incorrect collision detection with clip having mixes. Commit.
  • Add setting to choose preferred track compositing composition. Commit.
  • Timeline clip drop: add id to each drag operation to avoid incorrectly interpreting a new drag operation as the continuation of a previous one. Commit.
  • Fix muting audio master broken. Commit.
  • Fix keyframes test. Commit.
  • Refactor keyframe selection, now in sync between timeline and effect stack. Commit.
  • Fix various mix resize/align issues. Commit.
  • Fix proxy clips not archived when requested. Commit.
  • Fix wipe and slide transition incorrect behavior on resize, and incorrectly detecting “reverse” state. Commit.
  • Fix composition startup check. Commit.
  • Updated kdenlivedefaultlayouts.rc. Commit.
  • Fix same track transition if one clip has no frame at its end. Commit.
  • Fix crash and incorrect resize with same track transitions. Commit.
  • Fix mix cut position lost on paste. Commit.
  • Fix one cause of crash related to multiple keyframes move. Commit.
  • Fix minor typo. Commit.
  • Fix proxying of playlist clips. Commit.
  • Add optionto put job clips in the same folder as original instead of a subfolder like “Stabilized”. Commit.
  • Switch track compositing to frei0r.cairoblend by default instead of qtblend. Commit.
  • Fix replacing proxied clip. Related to #1216. Commit.
  • When a clip job creates an mlt playlist, check if the file is already in project to avoid double insertion. Commit.
  • On project load, detect possible corruptions related to same track transitions, fix them if possible and log changed / problems in project notes. Commit.
  • Project notes: when adding a timeline reference timecode, also include current track info so we can make notes on specific tracks. Commit.
  • Added the CAPS plugins category. Commit.
  • Correctly rearranged all the LSP plugins in the proper folder. Commit.
  • Blacklisted the ladspa which come with MLT that are totally borken. Commit.
  • Updated frei0r_cartoon.xml fixes issue 1221. Commit.
  • Updated avfilter_highpass.xml. Commit.
  • Add some debug info for clip move errors. Commit.
  • Fix clip with mix cannot be moved back in place. Commit.
  • Fix loop mode broken on add effect. Commit.
  • Fix replacing AV clip with playlist clip broken. Commit.
  • Another attempt to fix fullscreen monitor going to wrong display. Commit.
  • Fix export frame broken for title clips. Commit.
  • Fix bin thumbnail hover seek not reset when leaving thumb area. Commit.
  • Add prefix support for external proxies required for GoPro footage. Commit.
  • Kdenlive display settings: allow to define on which physical monitor the fullscreen monitor view will show up. Commit.
  • Project bin:when hover seek is enabled, restore thumb after seeking, set thumb with shift+seek. Commit.
  • Updated frei0r_softglow.xml. Commit.
  • Fix crash loading project with incorrectly detected same track transition. Commit.
  • Add GPL3 license. Commit.
  • Silence up scripty warnings. Commit.
  • Added to kdenliveeffectscategory.rc other ladspa collections available in software repositories. Commit.
  • Nightly Flatpak: add ladspa noise supressor effect and some updates. Commit.
  • Update kdenliveeffectscategory.rc with new categories for audio effects. Commit.
  • Added new 4 xml UI for hiding some audio effects. Commit.
  • Updated versions of the blacklisted_effects.txt and kdenliveeffectscategory.rc. Commit.
  • Slightly clean startup debug log. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Delete librnnoise_ladspa.xml because it’s duplicated as ladspa_librnnoise in the ladspa folder. Commit.
  • Uploaded new xml UI for audio effects. Commit.
  • Motion tracker: don’t switch to real time analysis on reset, add None type to blur and make it default. Commit.
  • Nightly Appimage: add wayland socket. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Upload New File frei0r_R.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File frei0r_G.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File frei0r_B.xml. Commit.
  • Update avfilter_vectorscope.xml by adding (Advanced) to the name. Commit.
  • Update frei0r_pr0file.xml by adding (Advanced) to the name. Commit.
  • Update frei0r_lenscorrection.xml adding (keyframable) to the effect name. Commit.
  • Update avfilter_negate.xml change name to Negate and add info about the option of inverting the alpha channel in the description. Commit.
  • Update gamma.xml change the name to Gamma (keyframable). Commit.
  • Update avfilter_selectivecolor.xml. Commit.
  • Update chroma_hold.xml change name to the effect to Color Keep. Commit.
  • Ensure we don’t end up with a dead connection activating a monitor. Commit.
  • Update avfilter_boxblur.xml changed effect name and parameters description. Commit.
  • Fix motion tracker broken on reset or subsequent analyse requests, remove Boosting algorithm (not ported to MLT’s filter). Commit.
  • Make color wheel (“lift/gamma/gain” effect) keyframable. Commit. See bug #393668
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_deesser.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_dcshift.xml. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_crystalizer.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_crossfeed.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_compensationdelay.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_compand.xml. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_bs2b.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_bass.xml. Commit.
  • Update avfilter_bandreject.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_bandpass.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_bandpass.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_apulsator.xml. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt added 5 new xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_aphaser.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_allpass.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_alimiter.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_acrusher.xml. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_acontrast.xml. Commit.
  • Fix stabilize and speed jobs not starting. Commit.
  • Update channelcopy.xml fix the ID which creates 2 copy of the same effect. Commit.
  • Fix remove space in all tracks with locked tracks. Commit.
  • Reorder and clean up data dir. Commit.
  • Titler: deselect start viewport when “Edit end viewport” gets triggered. Commit.
  • Titler: add keyboard modifiers to limit itme movement on one axis. Commit.
  • Clip import: fix different framerate warning was never shown. Commit.
  • Fix spacer track sometimes not allowing to reduce space. Commit.
  • Improvements on titler animation. Commit.
  • Update motion tracker to display keyframes directly in the effect and make them editable. Requires latest MLT git. Commit.
  • Update frei0r_softglow.xml by fixing parms values and adding the missing Blur parameter. Commit.
  • Improve cursor shape for keyframe view in timeline. Commit.
  • Keyframe import dialog: disable UI elements if it doesn’t make sense. Commit.
  • Make it possible to copy and import rotoscoping keyframes. Commit. Fixes bug #442372
  • Fix install after 7befb02673f46de246ef18aad25ecc37b8969f4c. Commit.
  • Remove unused prehistoric banner. Commit.
  • Drop MLT’s composite transition for Slide transition. Commit.
  • Updating license version in about box. Commit.
  • Fix crash on keyframe import of 1 dimensional params. Commit.
  • Remove broken “duplicate bin clip with timeremap” stuff that caused crash dropping playlists in timeline. Commit. Fixes bug #441777
  • Fix color picker in multiscreen config. Commit.
  • Fix monitor zoom affecting titler background frame. Commit.
  • Monitor config: add option to disable progressive playback. Commit.
  • Ensure we always use UTF-8 enconding when writing files. Commit.
  • Previous commit: Load current color properly to UI. Commit.
  • Add option to select clip monitor background color. Commit.
  • Startup crash detection: make the check later so that we can also detect movit crash and propose to reset the config file. Commit.
  • When editing / creating a render profile, focus the edited profile on save. Commit.
  • Filter tasks: fix encoding issue breaking job (stabilize, motion tracker). Commit.
  • Improve color accuracy of preview (backported from Shotcut). Commit.
  • Fix fake rect parameter not updating monitor overlay (alhpashape, corners) when changing value in effect stack. Commit.
  • Move avfilter_loudnorm.xml to the correct place (avfilter dir). Commit.
  • Clear effect xmls by moving frei0r into a seperate folder. Commit.
  • Fix adjust to frame size option in transform/position & zoom compositions. Commit.
  • Motion tracker: make “pixelate” and “opaque fill” options in the blur type list instead of having extra parameters for them. Commit.
  • Header SPDX harmonisation. Commit.
  • Motion tracker: add pixelate option (requires latest MLT git). Commit.
  • Tiny details in build instructions. Commit.
  • KDE standard for headers. Commit.
  • Fix color picker incorrectly selecting a rect zone after first use. Commit.
  • Fix compilation (strange incorrect char encoding). Commit.
  • Add contexts to avoid disambiguation with the form without plural. Commit.
  • Improve version check of previous commit. Commit.
  • First implementation of KAboutComponents. Commit.
  • Add missing file and update licences. Commit.
  • Fix install on macOS. Commit.
  • Temporarily revert use of QML KNewStuff dialog on windows. Commit.
  • Various fixes for motion tracker effect, add the new DaSIAM model, requires to download some extra model files. Commit.
  • Update .gitignore. Commit.
  • Fix compositions hidden when top clip had a same track transition. Commit.
  • Update kdenliveeffectscategory.rc Moved audiowaveform on the ON MASTER group. Commit.
  • Update audiowaveform.xml. Commit.
  • Fix same track transition erratic resize. Commit.
  • Undo the previous commit because the right effect was already available. Commit.
  • Update blacklisted_effects.txt Fieldorder was blacklisted for a mistake and it’s useful to manage interlaced fields. Commit.
  • Don’t allow to toggle multitrack view if multicam tool is active. Commit.
  • Multicam tool: perform operation on keyboard track selection too. Commit.
  • More hamonisation of headers. Commit.
  • Fix typo. Commit.
  • Fix possible crash on incorrect active effect. Commit.
  • Update avfilter_xbr.xml. Commit.
  • Update avfilter_hqx.xml. Commit.
  • Ensure bin audio thumbnails are loaded on project open. Commit.
  • Import keyframes: live preview of the positioning in the monitor. Commit.
  • Keyframe import: add extra align options and manual offset. Commit.
  • Fix title widget background frame not showing up. Commit.
  • Some additional header harmonisation – more to come. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Upload Cairogradient was missing several useful parameters. Commit.
  • Applying licensedigger –prettyheader. Commit.
  • Adjust monitor toolbar icon size. Commit.
  • Try using correctly themed icons for monitor toolbars. Commit.
  • Ensure monitor toolbar buttons don’t steal focus. Commit.
  • Fix spacer tool corruption when applied on clips with same track transition. Commit.
  • Fix copy/paste of clips with same track transitions. Commit.
  • Find MLT on Mac, add debug. Commit.
  • Apply 23 suggestion(s) to 23 file(s). Commit.
  • Fix possible crash on document open. Commit.
  • Instructions to build not in wiki anymore. Commit.
  • Crop effect: use project resolution by default(solves proxy issue). Commit. Fixes bug #408235
  • Clarifying licensing – part 1. Commit.
  • Apply 11 suggestion(s) to 11 file(s). Commit.
  • Merging post rebase. Commit.
  • Restraining licences to compatible subsets for harmonizing. Commit.
  • Applying replace_hearder script. Commit.
  • Applying licensedigger. Commit.
  • Adding missing copyright and licence headers. Commit.
  • Unification of LGPL* files. Commit.
  • Fix bug and crash in keyframe apply value to selected keyframes. Commit.
  • Restraining licences to compatible subsets for harmonizing. Commit.
  • Pressing Escape will revert to the select tool, and clear current selection if select tool is active. Commit.
  • Fix fade to alpha broken with MLT-7. Commit.
  • Update mask_start_frei0r_select0r.xml. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Uploaded gpstext.xml. Commit.
  • Update kdenliveeffectscategory.rc. Commit.
  • Update kdenliveeffectscategory.rc. Commit.
  • Update mask_start_frei0r_select0r.xml. Commit.
  • Update blacklisted_effects.txt. Commit.
  • Add a mask_start version of frei0r.select0r for secondar color. Commit.
  • Update CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
  • Upload New File avfilter_loudnorm.xml. Commit.
  • Make it possible to change selection in slip mode. Commit.
  • Add (“View”) menu entry for “Open Command Bar”. Commit.
  • Add option to ignore subfolder structure on import. Commit.
  • Applying replace_hearder script. Commit.
  • Applying licensedigger. Commit.
  • Adding missing copyright and licence headers. Commit.
  • Fix ‘abort/remove job’ button toggling. Commit.
  • Licence texts are now in LICENSES directory not COPYING file. Commit.
  • Clarifying license in README and metadata. Commit.
  • Removing GPL-2.0 license text. Commit.
  • Adding licence texts following REUSE specification. Commit.
  • Remove unused “Trim mode” action. Commit.
  • Stop trimming mode (internal) only if it is running. Commit.
  • Invert option switch, fix Dbus ON mode, abort job in OFF. Commit.
  • Licence texts are now in LICENSES directory not COPYING file. Commit.
  • Fix seek to guide on click. Commit.
  • Fix undo effect change was restoring incorrect parameter. Commit.
  • Use localserver/localsocket rather than DBus (Mac, Windows). Commit.
  • Clip properties audio gain: don’t add several audio gain effects. Commit.
  • Multitrack tool: don’t stop playing on lift operation, don’t touch audio tracks. Commit.
  • Add missing file from previous commit. Commit.
  • Add multicam tool allowing to lift tracks by clicking in the project monitor’s track view. Commit.
  • Improve slip behavior for clips on locked tracks. Commit.
  • Add display names for mlt’s dynamical generated luma files. Commit.
  • Fix render name incorrectly kept in some cases after save as. Commit.
  • Allow to slip only non-endless clips (no compositions etc.). Commit.
  • Fix signal connection broke by 81ddab103f09a5ef827191d841d571ddcbe26e62. Commit.
  • Make sure slip indicator is always visible in slip mode. Commit.
  • Fix some clang & clazy warnings. Commit.
  • UI Config: Increase version to apply recent change. Commit.
  • Add advanced trimming tool: Slip. Commit.
  • Fix scene detection job (should now work on Windows). Commit.
  • Don’t allow importing a project cache folder (audio/video thumbs, proxy,…). Commit.
  • Appimage: abort if missing frei0r, avformat, vidstab or rubberband modules, warn on missing openCV and translations. Commit.
  • Compile MLT with GCC 9 – fixes brightness effect corruption. Commit.
  • Clarifying license in README and metadata. Commit.
  • Removing GPL-2.0 license text. Commit.
  • Adding licence texts following REUSE specification. Commit.
  • Fix mix crossfade sometimes using wrong order (starting at 100% and ending at 0%) instead of reverse. Commit.
  • Fix cache param mistake. Commit.
  • Fix tests randomly failing. Commit.
  • Fix string of previous commit. Commit. See bug #440218
  • Add a tooltip to the track effects toggle button in the track header. Commit. Fixes bug #440218
  • Fix build with -DCRASH_AUTO_TEST=ON. Commit. Fixes bug #440414
  • Update catch.hpp. Commit. See bug #440867
  • Clip properties: add b frame info (yes or no). Commit.
  • Fix timeline preview broken in recent change. Commit.
  • Fix QWheelEvent::position() not available in Qt < 5.14. Commit.
  • Fix more clang-tidy/clazy warnings. Commit.
  • Fix a possible build error and some clazy warnings. Commit.
  • Fix minor typo. Commit.
  • Cleanup code after previous commit. Commit.
  • Replace QRegExp (removed in Qt6) by QRegularExression. Commit.
  • Remove unecessary code introduced with 42b10c96. Commit.
  • Fix some deprecation warnings. Commit.
  • KNewStuff: centralize code, use KNS3::QtQuickDialogWrapper if possible. Commit.
  • Fix detection of MLT on Windows. Commit.
  • Fix timeremap crash on undo/redo. Commit.
  • Save Effect Stack in stack header. Commit.
  • Build instructions: remove kdoctools-dev. Commit.
  • [flatpak] Update mfx-dispatch. Commit.
  • [Issue-291] Create Folder is available in bin context menu. Commit.
  • Remap: fix editing “speed before” broke, correctly clear remap widget on clip deletion. Commit.
  • Some progress in remap keyframe widget (WIP). Commit.
  • Flatpak: Update some dependencies (2). Commit.
  • Flatpak: Update some dependencies and restructure manifest (1). Commit.
  • [flatpak] Add libva and libva-utils. Commit.
  • Update mediasdk package. Commit.