La version 22.08 apporte de nombreuses améliorations de l’interface, ainsi que des corrections de bugs pour un espace de travail encore plus fluide. En parlant de fluidité, cette version apporte de nombreuses améliorations à la génération de clips intermédiaires (proxy clips), ce qui se traduit par une interface plus fluide. La prise en charge de l’encodage des clips proxy NVENC et VAAPI a également été corrigée. Le rendu prend désormais en charge une fonction expérimentale de traitement parallèle pour des vitesses de rendu plus rapides. Cette version ajoute la prise en charge de l’importation des formats d’image AVIF, HEIF, HEIC et JPEG XL, des animations LOTTIE et RAWR ainsi que des fichiers de sous-titres VTT (Web Video Text Tracks) et SBV (YouTube). Parmi les nouvelles fonctionnalités, citons l’amélioration de l’expérience d’enregistrement audio, le style global des sous-titres, l’exportation des guides sous forme de chapitres pour YouTube et l’intégration avec le programme d’animation graphique vectorielle Glaxnimate. A noter aussi que les coloroscopes (Waveform, Vectorscope, et RGB parade) fonctionnent enfin sous Windows.
L’équipe tient également à remercier les contributions au code d’Eric Jiang, Nathan Hinton, Gary Wang, Marius Pa, Daniel Novomeský, Martin Owens, Brendan Davidson et Ivan Sudakov. Nous remercions également tous les membres de la communauté qui ont signalé des problèmes, créé des didacticiels et offert leur soutien.
Style des sous-titres
Un premier outil “style” des sous-titres permet de modifier la police, la taille de la police, les couleurs de la police et du contour, d’ajouter des ombres, de définir la position et la couleur de fond. D’autres options sont prévues dans les prochaines versions.

Effets et compositions
L’onglet principal des effets affiche désormais tous les effets audio et vidéo, ce qui facilite la recherche. Cette version comprend également de nouveaux effets : Cisaillement, Défilement, Photosensibilité, Monochrome, Médian, Kirsch, Exposition, Echelle EPX, Température de couleur, Superposition de couleur, Correction de couleur, Contraste de couleur, Réduction de bruit chromatique, Accentuation adaptative du contraste, Bilatéral et VR360 Equirectangulaire à Stéréo.
La composition Luma prend en charge les fichiers de matte vidéo.
Effet Température de couleurs
Ttransitions video Luma matte
Glaxnimate Integration and Lottie Support
This version comes with integration with the Glaxnimate vector graphics animation program and support for rawr (Glaxnimate) and lottie animation file formats.
Exportation des guides en tant que chapitres
Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité vous permet d’utiliser les guides comme marqueurs de description de chapitre pour YouTube. Il suffit de générer le texte dans le format souhaité à partir de l’interface d’exportation des guides, de le copier dans le presse-papiers et de le coller dans la description de la vidéo dans YouTube.

Enregistrement audio
L’interface et le fonctionnement de l’enregistrement audio ont été révisées. Le bouton microphone nouvellement ajouté dans la table de mixage active automatiquement le mode de surveillance audio et arme la piste sélectionnée pour l’enregistrement. Pour commencer l’enregistrement, utilisez le bouton d’enregistrement dans la tête de piste ou utilisez la barre d’espacement de votre clavier. La barre d’espacement permet également de mettre en pause et de reprendre l’enregistrement, tandis que la touche Esc permet de quitter le mode d’enregistrement. Notez également que la tête de piste change de couleur pour un meilleur retour visuel.

Avant l’enregistrement, l’utilisateur reçoit un signal de compte à rebours de 3 secondes.

Cette version est dotée d’un système amélioré de marquage des clips qui permet d’ajouter, de modifier et de réorganiser facilement les balises dans la bibliothèque (project bin) et la couleur des superpositions du guide du moniteur peut être configurée. Un bug provoquant une interface surdimensionnée dans la version Windows et des icônes manquantes ou incorrectement colorées dans l’AppImage ont été corrigés.
Autres corrections
- Ajout de la possibilité de modifier le taux de rafraîchissement des sous-titres.
- La couleur des guides de superposition du moniteur est maintenant configurable.
- Ajout du snapping dans le mode de montage Ripple.
- La composition de la piste est maintenant une simple case à cocher au lieu du choix déprécié none/high res.
- Ajout d’un mode sous-titres automatiques inachevé (piste sélectionnée / clip uniquement).
- Plusieurs corrections de transition entre les mêmes pistes.
- Accélération de la recherche des créateurs.
- Corrections de nombreux problèmes spécifiques aux plateformes dans les paquets Windows, Mac, AppImage et Flatpak.
Allez chercher la dernière version sur notre page de téléchargement et, comme d’habitude, si vous rencontrez des problèmes, faites-le nous savoir. Vous pouvez également nous contacter sur nos canaux Telegram et Matrix.
Go grab the latest version from our download page and as usual if you encounter any issues please let us know. You may also contact us in our Telegram and Matrix channels.
Full log
- Fix string typos. Commit.
- Fix tests. Commit.
- Ensure mix can easily be resized until clip end. Commit.
- Fix project corruption on resize mix start. Commit.
- Fix error and corruption loading reverted mixes. Commit.
- Revert “Fix possible crash on profile switch, based on a contribution from Ivan Sudakov.”. Commit.
- Revert “Try to fix project profile corruption.”. Commit.
- Fix ambiguous widget name. Commit.
- Fix compilation with KF5 5.86. Commit.
- Update kdenliveeffectscategory.rc adding typewriter to Stylize. Commit.
- Clearify UI representation of mixes. Commit.
- Try to fix project profile corruption. Commit.
- Fix possible crash on profile switch, based on a contribution from Ivan Sudakov. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.shear. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.scroll. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.photosensitivity. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.monochrome. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.median. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.kirsch. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.exposure. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.epx. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.colortemperature. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.colorize. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.colorcorrect. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.colorcontrast. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.chromanr. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.cas. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.bilateral. Commit.
- Update kdenliveeffectscategory.rc. Commit.
- Updated blacklisted_effects.txt. Commit.
- Updated CMakeLists.txt for frei0r effects. Commit.
- Added xml interface for the frei0r_bigsh0t_eq_to_stereo. Commit.
- Fix crash in proxy test dialog. Commit.
- Fix proxy extension not changed when setting changed, fix proxies not rebuilt on param change. Commit.
- Fix project cache folder not created on new document, causing thumbs to be recreated on opening. Commit.
- Fix proxy aborting on unknown stream type. Commit.
- Fix proxy resize with nvenc. Commit.
- Fix cast to double moved outside division. Commit.
- Fix wrong use of useSourceProfile. Commit.
- Extract frame: fix incorrect handling of sar!= 1 profiles and incorrect use of useSourceProfile. Commit.
- Render preset edit: allow specifying a file extension (for example mkv for matroska format). Commit.
- Edit render profile: make most parameters optionnal, allow editing parameters text. Commit.
- Only allow one selected render profile. Commit.
- Fix incorrect shortcut sequence, spotted by Eugen. Commit.
- Don’t show monitor ruler duration tooltip if no zone is set. Commit.
- Fix compile warning. Commit.
- Fix filtering TreeItem lists by non-ASCII strings. Commit. Fixes bug #432699
- Add test for non-ascii list filtering (bug 432699). Commit.
- Test histogram handling RGB/BGR. Commit.
- Use QImage::pixel() in rgbparadegenerator.cpp. Commit.
- Use QImage::pixel() in waveform. Commit.
- Test waveform RGB/BGR handling. Commit.
- Change vectorscope to use QImage::pixel(). Commit. Fixes bug #453149
- Test vectorscope switching red and blue. Commit.
- Fix proxy incorrectly scaled to 200px width when creating new project. Commit.
- When proxy clip is deleted, ensure the proxy context menu action is unchecked. Commit.
- Fix vaapi proxy encoding profile, switch prores to use proxy quality. Commit. See bug #436358
- Ensure monitor is paused when extracting a frame. Commit.
- Ensure dropped frames timer stops when playing stops. Commit.
- Fix extract frame for playlist clips. Commit.
- Extract frame: process in another frame so we don’t block the UI, make sure effects are applied. Commit.
- Fix document folder incorrectly set on loading project with “Use parent folder as project folder”. Commit.
- Render last frame. Commit.
- Don’t crash loading project with incorrect subtrack count. Commit.
- Export guides: remember last used format, add reset button to restore default settings. Commit.
- Export guides: allow using HH:MM:SS:FF timecode for export. Commit.
- Fix timeline audio record broken after pause/play. Commit.
- Fix timeline duration offset of -1 frame. Commit.
- Fix possible crashes on invalid track position. Commit.
- Fix clip selected when not ready on duplicate, leading to incorrect display in clip monitor. Commit.
- Don’t add a keyframe on double click unselected clip. Commit.
- When copying effect with keyframes, don’t copy keyframes that are past the clip end. Commit.
- Fix possible crash on opening shortcuts dialog. Commit.
- Fix crash in debug mode when dragging a composition into timeline. Commit.
- Manually register newer mime types for older OSes. Commit.
- Always inform user if a file write fails. Commit.
- Fix changing cursor position when trying to resize effect zoombar. Commit.
- Fix save effect stack broken if there is only 1 effect in the stack. Commit.
- Fix Insert Zone to Bin out point off by 1. Commit. Fixes bug #455883
- Fix editing clips in external apps on Mac. Commit.
- When aborting document load, open a new blank document. Commit.
- Fix compilation. Commit.
- Show proxy and metadata tabs on new project creation and correctly set their values to the document. Commit.
- When source clip and proxy are both missing, propose to recreate proxy (or reuse existing on in case of LRV). Commit. See bug #456185
- Fix external app path not correctly stored when editing for first time. Commit.
- Fix editing external app path from Kdenlive settings, try to fix launching app on MacOS. Commit.
- Ensure we never add a clip with id = 0. Commit.
- Drop unused params. Commit.
- Fix button text and glaxnimate path not working on edit clip. Commit.
- Get rid of KOpenWithDialog to select default external applications (doesn not work on Windows/Mac), make path to glaxnimate configurable. Commit.
- Don’t wait for a clip to be ready to get its type. Commit. Fixes bug #456619
- Reintroduce open multiple video stream clips. Commit.
- Remove Old Qt <5.15.2 checks. Commit.
- Fix clip monitor sometimes incorrectly raised when editing subtitle style. Commit.
- Fix compilation with KF < 5.95. Commit.
- Remove mistakenly pushed code. Commit.
- DEPENDENCY! Require at least MLT 7.8.0. Commit.
- Refactor color scheme handeling to fix bugs. Commit. Fixes bug #430580
- [Ripple Edit] implement snapping. Commit.
- Revert changes from another branch that slipped into this one. Whoops. Commit.
- Added the ability to change the subtitle framerate. Commit.
- Trying to check for more subtitle files on startup. Commit.
- Remove unused TimelineController:darkBackground(). Commit.
- Fix
if (ok)
in ThumbnailCache::getAudioKey. Commit. - Revert changes from another branch that slipped into this one. Whoops. Commit.
- Jobs C++ new keyword does not return zero. Commit.
- Select a valid activeTrack for new documents. Commit.
- Fix build on windows failing due to deprecated call. Commit.
- Resourcewidget QFileDialog prefers “*” as filter. Commit.
- Supplement to “Disable pip on Flatpak (we bundle the deps there)”. Commit.
- [nightly flatpak] Enable mlt glaxnimate module. Commit.
- Fix syntax error. Commit.
- [Python Interface] Disable pip on Flatpak (we bundle the deps there). Commit.
- DocOpenResult should hold unique_ptr to doc. Commit.
- Clean up some comments and dead test code. Commit.
- Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s). Commit.
- Merging with upstream changes in the master. Commit.
- Merge to an updated upstream/master. Commit.
- Added the ability to change the subtitle framerate. Commit.
- Code gardening: Improvements for disabled deprecation versions. Commit.
- Fix type (spotted by erjiang). Commit.
- Fix render job sometimes not terminating correctly, fix play after render. Commit.
- Add missing override keyword. Commit.
- Add option to embed subtitles instead of burning them (mkv only). Commit.
- Code Gardening: use ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions (only KF for. Commit.
- Fix error in project duration. Commit.
- Track compositing is now a simple checkbox instead of the deprecated none/high res choice. Commit.
- Fix effect parameter spin box incrementing twice on mouse wheel. Commit.
- Fix some spelling and grammar in stereotools effect. Commit. Fixes bug #455229
- Fix compilation. Commit.
- Improve timeline audio record preview (position and duration of the recording now adjusts when scaling timeline). Commit.
- [dev-docs] Make clear how to install without root. Commit.
- Test_utils: pass by const reference (cppcheck). Commit.
- Next try: use DejaVu Sans instead of Noto Sans. Commit.
- [Test] Use Note Sans instead of Liberation Sans (not available on CI). Commit.
- Round-trip test for non-BMP unicode characters. Commit.
- DropInvalidChars only if trying to recover document. Commit.
- Re-organize KdenliveDoc constructor. Commit.
- Hidden tracks should not be considered when calculating project duration. Commit.
- DEPENDENCY CHANGE! Require at least KDE Frameworks 5.86. Commit.
- DEPENDENCY CHANGE! Require at least Qt 5.15.2. Commit.
- Ensure we have a 25 fps profile when testing mixes. Commit.
- Remove duplicate headers between cpp/h. Commit.
- Fix mouse wheel changing render edit preset while scrolling. Commit.
- Minor cleanup, fix compilation on some systems. Commit.
- Fix compilation – wrong change committed. Commit.
- Fix bug and warning calculating available mix duration when no frame is available. Commit.
- Fix timeline scrolling broken after opening a widget from timeline menu, like edit clip duration. Commit.
- Fix oversized UI on Windows. Commit.
- Fix incorrect encoding in rendered clip name on Windows. Commit. Fixes bug #455286
- Subtitles styling: add shadow and opaque background box options. Commit.
- Add support for rawr glaxnimate anims. Commit.
- Implement unfinished auto subtitles mode (selected track / clip only). Commit.
- Fix regression: audio / video only clips broken and removed from timeline after reopening project. Commit.
- Add test for recent audio breaking regression. Commit.
- Fix recent regression breaking audio. Commit. See bug #455140
- Use | as + is deprecated. Commit.
- Add JSon mimetype for Lottie animations, allow editing and check if module is there at first start. Commit.
- Fix incorrect ungroup when dragging selection. Commit.
- Add support for Lottie animations using the glaxnimate producer (Add Clip > Add Animation). Commit.
- Fix incorrect behavior of external proxies, allow multiple patterns by profile. Commit. See bug #455140
- Fix render url sometimes pointing to incorrect location. Commit.
- Trying to check for more subtitle files on startup. Commit.
- Colorize track head when armed for sound recording. Commit.
- Fix startup warning cannot destroy paint device. Commit.
- Fixes for external proxies. Commit. See bug #455140
- Correctly enable current bin item proxy action after proxy is enabled/disabled in project settings. Commit.
- Fix timeline cursor sometimes losing sync with wuler playhead. Commit.
- Fix freeze copying proxy clips. Commit.
- Update plist file. Commit.
- Fix timeline cursor small repaint glitch. Maybe related to #1431. Commit.
- Fix subtitle save, in cases where the file extension was missing. Commit.
- Guides Exporter: also apply offset to {{frame}}. Commit.
- Fix incorrect track tag displayed on errors in project opening. Commit.
- Add a first basic subtitle test. Commit.
- [Rendering] Allow for custom processing thread count. Commit. Fixes bug #430193
- Fix icon color change in some situations (eg. Appimage). Commit. Fixes bug #450556
- Fix line number in subtitle. Commit.
- Display all effects in main effects tab. Commit.
- Fix mistake in signal blocker. Commit.
- Fix AppImage icons. Commit. See bug #451406
- Update audio recording. Now triggered by the play button when in monitor mode. Commit.
- Allow video files in luma transition. Commit.
- Subtitles style: use undo/redo, enable styling widget when no subtitle is selected. Commit.
- Basic support for subtitle styling (only one style for all subtitles). Commit. See bug #437159
- Port deprecated enum. Commit.
- Online resources: only show warning about loading time once. Commit. See bug #454470
- Fix startup crash. Commit.
- Fix more qt6 compile error. Commit.
- Fix crash clicking ok in empty transcoding dialog. Commit.
- Fix possible crash when load task is running on exit. Commit.
- Add audio-input key to Mac plist hoping it can help fixing the microphone access issue. Commit.
- Use | vs + for key. Commit.
- Port QtConcurrent::run to new api in qt6. Commit.
- Port QStringRef to QStringView in qt6. Commit.
- It’s utf-8 by default in qt6. Commit.
- Add missing includes (building against qt6). Commit.
- Fix signature method for building against qt6. Commit.
- Add Qt6::SvgWidgets (it’s a separate module now). Commit.
- By default in qt6 QTextStream uses UTF-8. Commit.
- Constructor never implemented. Commit.
- Fix method signature when we build against qt6. Commit.
- Use ${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} here too. Commit.
- It’s enable by default in qt6. Commit.
- Fix selection of default applications to edit audio/image files. Commit.
- Fix file watcher broken, changed clips were not detected anymore. Commit.
- Fix timeremap clip always using proxies on rendering. Commit. Fixes bug #454089
- Ensure internal effects like subtitles stay on top so that they are not affected by color or transform effects. Commit.
- Fix crash on undo center keyframe. Commit.
- Fix crash changing clip monitor bg color when no clip is selected. Commit.
- Fix crash on undo selected clip insert. Commit.
- Add a clang-format pre-commit hook. Commit.
- Fix nvenc codec. Commit. See bug #454469
- Fix clip thumbs not discarded on property change. Commit.
- On document loading, also check images for changes. Commit.
- Fix missing audio with “WebM-VP9/Opus (libre)” preset. Commit. See bug #452950
- Misc fixes in audio recording – show rec button in mixers when entering monitor mode. Commit.
- Stop using avformat clip for testing since it fails… Commit.
- Fix tests on system without avformat module. Commit.
- Another attempt to correctly find tests dataset on CI. Commit.
- Revert move test to use blipflash instead of avformat producer, trying to fix tests. Commit.
- Fix tests and mix direction regression. Commit.
- Fix compile warning/possible crash. Commit.
- Fix major corruption on undo/redo clip cut, with tests. Commit.
- Project loading: detect and fix corruption if audio or video clips on the same track use a different producer. Commit.
- Fix crash dropping an effect on the clip monitor. Commit.
- Revert audio mixer change that broke layout. Commit.
- Fix problem detected on project opening show timecode in frames (use proper timeecode info now). Commit. See bug #454237
- Guides Exporter: Replace QTimeEdit with TimecodeDisplay. Commit.
- Guides Exporter: allow set a time offset for markers. Commit.
- Fix proxying clips broken. Commit.
- Speedup maker search. Commit.
- Sorry, just seeing this now. Applying change. Commit.
- Fix cannot put monitor in fullscreen with mirrored screens. Commit.
- Audio record: remove rec button from audio mixers. Recording is now enabled by enabling monitoring (mic icon), then space bar/Esc to record/stop. Commit.
- Audio record: show track head control when monitoring is activated, and countdown when recording is started. Commit.
- Fix compilation with Qt < 5.14. Commit.
- Fix mix on very short AV clips broken, with test. Commit.
- Fix Slide mix not correctly updated when creating a new mix on the previous clip, add tests. Commit. See bug #453770
- Fix mix mix not correctly reversed in some cases and on undo. Commit.
- Add tooltips to timeline markers and guides. Commit.
- Fix slide composition going in wrong direction (mix is still todo). Commit. See bug #453770
- Fix several small glitches in bin selection. Commit.
- Fix clip height not aligned to its track. Commit.
- Fix speech to text on Mac. Commit.
- Mixers: re-add show effect stack to master, improve layout with collapsed track mixers. Commit.
- Fix crash/corruption in overwrite mode when moving grouped clips above or below existing tracks. Commit.
- Remove deprecated method. Commit.
- Refactor audio recording: allow pause/resume with space bar, display live waveform on record. Commit.
- [“Export Guide” action] Minor i18n and icon fixes, remove unused code. Commit.
- Add content width and height keywords for assets (effects, transitions,…). Commit.
- Drop old Appimage build system from the docs too. Commit.
- After audio recording, correctly seek to last frame of record in timeline. Commit.
- Ensure record control is visible in track head when enabled. Commit.
- Various small fixes for proxy status and job (Fixes #1426). Commit.
- Fix ordering of new inserted tracks. Commit.
- Only warn once per missing font on document opening. Commit.
- Add test method to create title clip. Commit.
- Fix possible test crash. Commit.
- Add ‘reverse’ parameter to transition ‘mix’. Commit.
- Update audio mic monitor when record settings changed. Commit.
- Add the ability to export guides as chspters text. Commit. Fixes bug #449887
- Lower proxy rendering priority. Commit.
- Cleaning up the debug/output. Commit.
- Working on the captions. Commit.
- Fix custom effect type sometimes incorrect. Commit.
- Add AVIF, HEIF and JPEG XL MIME types. Commit.
- Fix memleak in test. Commit.
- Don’t depend on monitor in load task (better for tests). Commit.
- Timeline track head rec control now shows mic level event when not recording. Commit.
- Fix audio rec level in mixer (track head still todo). Commit.
- [CI] We don’t need KInit. Commit.
- Remove old fallback icons (already disabled by default since a while). Commit.
- Remove deprecated Appimage tools (we use KDE Craft now). Commit.
- Add error message when input and output files are the same – transcoding. Commit.
- Add tests for title text alignment calculation. Commit. See bug #407849
- Fix tests. Commit.
- Fix drag incorrectly terminating in icon view. Commit.
- Add test for recent thumbnail cache freeze issue. Commit.
- Don’t create task until we are sure we want it. Commit.
- [Build System] Port away from deprecated ECM path variables. Commit.
- [Build System] Replace 5 by ${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} in more places (Pt. 2). Commit.
- [Build System] Replace 5 by ${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} in more places. Commit.
- Resolved conflict in /src/bin/model/subtitlemodel.cpp. Commit.
- Added support for the sbv format captions. Commit.
- Fix crash trying to drag in empty space in Bin icon view. Commit.
- Update kdenliveeffectscategory.rc new mlt’s box_blur added to the ‘Blur and Sharpen’ category. Commit.
- Update CMakeLists.txt adding the new mlt’s Box_Blur. Commit.
- Add new mlt’s Box_Blur ui. It was not working with the automatic one. Commit.
- Update secondary_color_correction.xml fixing Transparency default value error. Commit.
- Fix titler text alignment. Commit.
- Fix potential deadlock, maybe related to #1380. Commit.
- Small refactoring of cache get thumbnail. Commit.
- Fix timeline preview failing when creating a new project. Commit.
- Improve tags: allow adding, editing and reordering of tags. Commit.
- Timeline preview profiles – remove unused audio parameters, fix interlaced nvenc. Commit.
- Another set of minor improvements for monitor audio level. Commit.
- Minor fix in audio levels look. Commit.
- Ensure all color clips use the RGBA format. Commit.
- Show dB in mixer tooltip. Commit.
- Fix audio levels showing incorrect values, and not impacted by master effects. Commit.
- Try to fix build against KF 5.93.0. Commit.
- Make test failures CI failures (only Linux yet). Commit.
- Remove text label. Commit.
- Make monitor detection more robust for fullscreen mode. Commit.
- Fix app focus lost on Windows when exiting monitor fullscreen. Commit.
- Make monitor overlay guides color configurable. Commit.
- Add build workaround for Mac M1. Commit.
- Code quality fixes. Commit.
- Switch from QQuickView to QQuickWidget – fixes broken playback on Mac OS. Commit.
- Update kdenliveeffectscategory.rc moving frei0r.premultiply from ‘More checks’ to ‘Alpha, Mask and Keying’. Commit.
- Update blacklisted_effects.txt enabling frei0r.premultiply. Commit.
- Use pragma once for header guards. Commit.
- Fix minor typos. Commit.
- Require at least MLT 7.4.0. Commit.
- Added the ability to import webVTT captions. Commit.
- Removed duplicate code. Commit.
- Increase the flexablilty of importing captions. See issue #1361. Commit.