Guides et Marqueurs
comme la plupart des logiciels de montage, Kdenlive a toujours pris en charge les marqueurs et les guides pour vous aider à organiser votre travail. Avec cette nouvelle version, l’ensemble du système de guides et de marqueurs a été profondément remanié pour vous aider à mieux organiser votre projet.
Toutes les fonctionnalités des marqueurs (clips) et des guides (timeline) se trouvent désormais dans le nouveau menu “Guides“. Son comportement est similaire à celui de la pile d’effets car le contenu affiché dépend de la sélection : si vous sélectionnez un plan de la bibliothèque (clip bin), les marqueurs du clip seront affichés, si vous cliquez dans le banc de montage (timeline), les guides seront affichés. Par conséquent, l’onglet “Marqueurs” dans les propriétés du clip a été supprimé.
Le principal avantage du nouveau menu “Guides” est la possibilité de chercher, rechercher, trier et filtrer facilement, par exemple par catégorie ou par texte. Il s’intègre également très bien à la navigation au clavier, de sorte que vous pouvez facilement trouver et rechercher un guide sans déplacer votre souris.
Une autre modification majeure a été apportée aux catégories de guides et de marqueurs : il est désormais possible de gérer les catégories, c’est-à-dire d’en avoir plus (ou moins) que celles qui étaient disponibles auparavant, avec des couleurs et des noms personnalisés.
De plus, il est maintenant possible de modifier, d’ajouter ou de supprimer plusieurs marqueurs à la fois et l’importation/exportation de marqueurs a été améliorée.



Avec la mise à jour de MLT vers la version 7.13.0, les effets de base suivants sont maintenant modifiables par image clé :
- Filtre d’affichage pour le niveau audio (audio level visualization filter)
- Filtre affichant le spectre audio (audio spectrum filter)
- Filtre de l’onde audio (audio wave form filter)
Le copier/coller des images-clés entre les effets est maintenant plus clair grâce aux icônes supplémentaires dans la barre d’images-clés de l’effet. Le copier/coller d’images-clés fonctionne également avec les raccourcis standard CTRL+C, CTRL+V.

Intégration de Glaxnimate
Bien que l’intégration de Glaxnimate dans Kdenlive existe déjà depuis la dernière version, nous l’avons maintenant fait monter d’un cran !
Si vous utilisez une version compatible de Glaxnimate (version >= 0.5.1), Kdenlive envoie désormais le contenu de la timeline à Glaxnimate qui l’affiche ensuite en arrière-plan. Cela fonctionne de la même manière que l’option ” Afficher l’arrière-plan ” de l’outil de titrage et facilite grandement la création d’animations qui vont agrémenter vos créations.
Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation.

Interface utilisateur
Deux petites fonctions, utiles et demandées, ont été ajoutées pour supprimer rapidement des espaces ou des plans dans le banc de montage (timeline) : supprimer les espaces après la tête de lecture et supprimer tous les clips après la tête de lecture.
Limite du cache
Vous pouvez désormais définir une taille maximale pour les données en cache stockées par Kdenlive dans les paramètres de l’environnement. Les données mises en cache sont constituées des vignettes audio et vidéo de vos projets, mais aussi des copies de sauvegarde de vos projets, des “clips intermédiaires” (proxies), etc. Kdenlive vérifiera désormais toutes les 2 semaines si le total des données en cache dépasse cette limite et, si c’est le cas, vous en avertira et vous proposera de supprimer les anciennes données en cache.
Menu Hamburger
Si vous n’utilisez pas beaucoup la barre de menu et que vous souhaitez gagner de la place, il y a une bonne nouvelle. Si la barre d’outils est affichée et que vous masquez la barre de menus, le menu sera désormais accessible via un menu hamburger dans la barre d’outils.

“Qu’est-ce que c’est ?”
À plusieurs endroits, nous avons ajouter du contenu à la fonction “Qu’est-ce que c’est ?”. Si vous survolez un élément comme (un bouton, par exemple), vous verrez souvent apparaître une info-bulle contenant une courte information sur cet élément. Ce n’est pas nouveau, mais dans certains cas, l’info-bulle indique également “Appuyez sur la touche Maj pour en savoir plus”. Si vous suivez ce conseil, vous verrez un texte plus long avec une explication plus détaillée. Nous allons augmenter le nombre d’endroits où cette fonction est disponible lors des prochaines versions.


Nettoyage des paramètres
Les pages de paramètres ont subi un nettoyage visuel. Les options inutilisées et inutiles ont été supprimées, d’autres ont été réorganisées pour être plus faciles à trouver et plus claires dans leur but. Nous avons également précisé les options similaires dans les paramètres du projet et de l’application, et ajouté un indicateur pour rendre la différence entre ces paramètres plus claire.


“Sous le capot”
Outre les fonctionnalités évidentes déjà mentionnées, l’équipe a beaucoup travaillé sur le nettoyage de la base de code afin d’en améliorer la maintenabilité et de la préparer aux changements que nous attendons dans un avenir proche, comme bancs de montages imbriquées (nested timelines).
Aussi, techniquement, Kdenlive peut maintenant être assemblé sous Qt6 et un CI a été ajouté pour s’assurer qu’il n’y ai pas de régression. Il s’agit d’une première étape pour sécuriser la transition de la version 5 à la version 6 de Qt et le bon fonctionnement des outils KDE. Cependant, cela ne signifie pas que la version assemblée sous Qt6 fonctionne comme prévu. Il y a encore du travail à faire. Nous n’avons pas encore de date précise pour le passage à Qt6, mais nous pensons qu’il aura lieu dans la seconde moitié de 2023.
Certaines corrections attendues depuis longtemps ont également été apportées à la transition qtblend de MLT. C’était la transition par défaut pour la composition des pistes dans Kdenlive. Cependant, en raison de certains bogues provoquant une mise à l’échelle indésirable dans certaines situations, nous avons opté par défaut pour une autre transition pour Kdenlive depuis la version 21.12.0, ce qui a entraîné des régressions de performances dans la lecture et le rendu de la timeline. Tout ceci est maintenant corrigé et quelques optimisations supplémentaires améliorent également les performances (MLT 7.12.0). Vous pouvez vous assurer que qtblend est utilisé à partir des paramètres divers de Kdenlive, sous la rubrique “composition préférée pour la composition des pistes” (preferred track compositing).
Autres changements notables
- Ressources en ligne : Nouveau fournisseur de vidéos Pixabay et amélioration des performances pour la recherche.
- Capture audio : Ajout d’un paramètre pour désactiver le compte à rebours.
- Audio : Ajout de Pipewire comme sortie SDL, correction de plusieurs problèmes avec le niveau audio sur le widget du mixeur.
- Correction du sélecteur de couleur sur Wayland.
- Correction de plusieurs situations où les clips de la corbeille ou du moniteur ne pouvaient pas être déposés dans le banc de montage.
- Amélioration de la logique pour trouver les fichiers relocalisés.
- [Contribution UnB] Ajout d’une description à la boîte de dialogue d’enregistrement de l’effet de pile.
- Nombreuses corrections pour l’importation de sous-titres
Comme d’habitude, si vous rencontrez des problèmes, faites nous en part ! Vous pouvez également nous contacter sur nos groupes Telegram et Matrix.
Full log
- Fix undo broken when trying to delete all tracks (don’t allow it and fix the underlying bug). Commit. Fixes bug #462228
- Fix import keyframes broken. Commit. See bug #456492
- Fix project duration incorrectly changed when changing speed of last clip in project. Commit.
- Correctly stop archiving job on pressing abort. Commit. See issue #999
- Animate track lock icon when trying to perform an operation on a locked track instead of silent failure. Commit.
- Fix luma incorrectly flagged as missing on Windows. Commit. Fixes bug #461849
- [Renderwidget] Fix “Edit Metadata” opens wrong page. Commit.
- We do not necessarily need mediainfo to get the source timecode. Commit.
- Fix crash when trying to launch second Glaxnimate instance with IPC. Commit.
- Improve perfocmance of online resource search. Commit.
- Better error message in some cases of preview render failure. Commit.
- Fix incorrect loading of subtitle with two dots. Commit. Fixes bug #461995
- Fix color picker on wayland. Commit. Fixes issue #1417
- Port KMessageBox to twoActions where not violating string freeze. Commit.
- Transcoding: use pcm instead of alac codec (fix possible audio artifacts). Commit.
- Various fixes for spacer operation with subtitle track. Commit.
- Fix image proxies not correctly applied after recovering proxy, don’t attempt to proxy small images. Commit.
- Improve recovery for project files with missing proxy and source. Commit.
- Clip properties: also show tooltip for image proxies. Commit.
- Fix designer crash with Kdenlive widgets. Commit.
- Disable parallel rendering for now (currently crashes because of an MLT regression). Commit.
- Fix crash undoing timeremap change after unselecting the clip. Commit.
- Fix recovering luma file paths when opening an Appimage project or from another computer. Commit.
- Fix MaxOS compilation. Commit.
- Ensure monitor zone out cannot go beyond clip out. Commit.
- Switch to a proper JSon format to store guide categories instead of hacky line feed separated format. Commit.
- Don’t attempt deleting the clip on aborting a thumbnail job. Commit.
- Auto-call taskManager.taskDone() when run() ends. Commit.
- Fix remove space. Commit. See issue #1564
- Fix relocating files with proxies and image sequences. Commit.
- Audio graph filters are keyframable now. Commit. Fixes bug #459554
- Add IPC support for communication with Glaxnimate. Commit. Fixes issue #1526
- Fix indentation (clang-format). Commit.
- Show timeline instances for missing clips. Commit. Fixes issue #1568
- Add zone-in/zone-out to contextual mouse menu for clip monitor(issue 1508). Commit.
- Test ASS/SSA files containing commas. Commit. Fixes bug #461486
- Handle commas in ASS subtitle files. Commit.
- Be more clever finding resources paths when the project was relocated (for example opened from an external drive). Commit.
- Fix crash on document open. Commit. See issue #1571
- Fix possible crash on document open. Commit. See issue #1571
- Revamp the keyframes copy/paste. We now have copy/paste icons in the effect stack toolbar that work as expected. Standard shortcuts also now work (Ctrl+C/V). Commit. Fixes issue #1566
- Remember categories filter independantly for clip markers and timeline guides. Commit.
- Better handling of seconds in import guides. Commit.
- Add lock guide action in new guides list widget, with tooltip info. Commit.
- Add test for insert space (WIP). Commit.
- Fix guides not moving on insert blank. Commit.
- Some improvements for guide export. Commit.
- Add remove space test. Commit.
- Make capitalization consistent for param name. Commit.
- Fix small typo. Commit.
- Fix possible settings dialog crash. Commit. Fixes issue #1567
- Correctly show “auto” timeline preview profile if it was selected in settings. Commit.
- Fix default timeline preview profile not correctly remembered. Commit.
- Unbreak spacer/remove space. Commit. Fixes issue #1564
- When deleting a category, allow reassigning its markers/guides to another category instead of deleting them. Commit.
- Add action to focus guide search line, fine tune search: auto select first match, clear search line on esc/enter. Commit.
- Add line break to messagebox. Commit.
- Fix move guide and filtering clip monitor markers. Commit.
- When opening a project saved with a previous Kdenlive version, ensure we recover the guides categories if missing. Commit.
- Add new marker multi category selection button (MarkerCategoryButton), used in guides list. Commit.
- Guides list: make it work with keyboard shortcuts, fix group deletion. Commit.
- When deleting a guides category, also remove all clip markers using it. Commit.
- Fix several small issues / crash in new guides widget. Commit.
- Fix marker import, add button for default marker type. Commit.
- Make guides list show clip markers when a bin clip is selected, allow editing several markers (only allows changing category). Commit.
- Fix typo. Commit.
- DEPENDENCY! Require at least MLT 7.8.0. Commit.
- Remove code duplication (merge multiMarkerDialog with standard MarkerDialod). Commit.
- Add filter line for guides, allow sorting them by category, timecode or comment, allow exporting JSON data. Commit.
- Do not try to install non-existing file. Commit.
- Fix possible UI corruption with xml uis and some animated parameters. Commit.
- Remove xml ui for “region” effect, that does not exist anymore. Commit.
- [Effects] Use animated rect instead of geometry, if possible. Commit.
- [Rotate and Shear] Fix rect selection. Commit.
- [Code Gardening] Entirely remove already unsupported (Asset) ParamTypes. Commit.
- Better speration between animated an non-animated params in UI. Commit.
- Fix incorrect model used for retrieving data. Commit.
- Guide categories: use struct for better readability, move catagory deletion in markerlistmodel, add test. Commit.
- Delete guides if their category is deleted. Commit.
- Fix marker tests. Commit.
- Guides update: allow managing categories, add new guides list widget, allow filtering categories. Commit.
- Guide categories: use struct for better readability, move catagory deletion in markerlistmodel, add test. Commit.
- Delete guides if their category is deleted. Commit.
- Fix marker tests. Commit.
- Guides update: allow managing categories, add new guides list widget, allow filtering categories. Commit.
- Fix position and scale of monitor overlays on zoom. Commit.
- Enable F2 shortcut to rename bin tags in Tag Widget. Commit.
- [REUSE] Add license info for xml uis. Commit.
- Add missing license header. Commit.
- Make use of new MarkerCategoryChooser. Commit.
- [Guides] Add new MarkerCategoryChooser widget. Commit.
- CLeanup UI file. Commit.
- Fix some spacer inconsistencies when used with groups, add some tests. Commit.
- Fix click in timeline broken after switching to another app with spacer tool active. Commit.
- [CI] Finally fix FreeBSD, pushed the wrong fix. Commit.
- [CI] Enable CI failure on test failure for FreeBSD. Commit.
- [CI Tests] Fix FreeBSD. Commit.
- Drop getMainTimeline(), use getCurrentTimeline() instead. Commit.
- [REUSE] One last try to get it correct for *.ui files. Commit.
- [REUSE] Add (missing) license info for some files. Commit.
- [REUSE] Use also “LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL” for *.ui files. Commit.
- [REUSE] Add (missing) license headers for *.ui files. Commit.
- Add 2 small track functions: remove all spaces after cursor and remove all clips after cursor, with test. Commit.
- Loading a project with locked tracks should not insert an entry in undo history. Commit.
- [MarkerDialog] Remember last selected category. Commit.
- Fix compiler warning and warning in with QtDesigner plugin. Commit.
- [Test] Show file and line number in debug output. Commit.
- [CI: xmllint] Run for all xml files, but only if change affects any xml file. Commit.
- [CI] Add xml linter. Commit.
- [Effects] Fix some xml gui files. Commit.
- Port away from deprecated KDeclarative::setupEngine() Pt.3. Commit.
- Ensure files are open before reading to QDomDocument Pt. 2. Commit.
- Dependency change! Require at least KDE Frameworks 5.92. Commit.
- Disable cppcheck warnings for fakeit.hpp, catch.hpp and fakeit_standalone.hpp files. Commit.
- Fix naming of 3D FFT Denoiser parameters. Commit. Fixes bug #460003
- [AssetLists] Remove workaround for (fixed) Qt bug. Commit.
- Fix layout warning. Commit.
- Fix possible crash canceling archive. Commit.
- Various fixes for playlist proxy: fix possible crash on error, rendering artifacts and incorrect length. Commit.
- Fix build on KF<5.98. Commit.
- [Qt6] Try to fix build. Commit.
- Port away from deprecated KDeclarative::setupEngine() Pt.2. Commit.
- Port away from deprecated KDeclarative::setupEngine(). Commit.
- [Code Gardening] Remove unused code. Commit.
- Port away from deprecated KNS methods, use QQC1 only for TreeView. Commit.
- Ensure files are open before reading to QDomDocument. Commit.
- [Tests] Use ecm_add_test and split to individual binaries. Commit.
- [Qt6.4] Fix one more char* to QVariant issue. Commit.
- Fix another char* to QVariant issue. Commit.
- Fix possible issue with char* to QVariant conversion. Commit.
- Dependency change! Make KFileMetaData required again. Commit.
- Fix build broken by previous commit. Commit.
- [CMake] Use ECM to install KDebugSettings config instead of custom file. Commit.
- [Keyframes] Refactor code. Commit.
- [Keyframe import/export] Fix roto and others in localized context. Commit.
- Use TimecodeDisplay in *.ui files where possible. Commit.
- [Qt Designer plugin] Fix include path. Commit.
- [Code Gardening] More cleanup. Commit.
- [Code Gardening] Remove more unused files. Commit.
- Fix constructor should be explicit. Commit.
- [Code Gardening] Remove more unused code. Commit.
- Fix Qt Designer crashing with Kdenlive Widgets plugin. Commit.
- [Wizard] Remove dead code. Commit.
- Ensure resource providers are not listed twice. Commit. Fixes bug #460060
- Testing if Qt6 tests are caused by qtblend. Commit.
- Move xml out of translated string. Commit.
- [Code Gardening] Remove unused code. Commit.
- [Timecode Display] Reduce code duplication. Commit.
- [dev-docs] Document recent changes. Commit.
- Fix tests hanging if avfilter is missing on CI system (avfilter.fieldorder popped up a missing filter dialog). Commit.
- Make timecode display listen to profile change and automatically adjust fps. Commit.
- Typo: add line break in online resources autogenerated notes. Commit.
- Remember effect keyframe status (show/hide). Commit. Fixes issue #1538
- Reduce subtitle widget padding. Commit.
- Fix tests. Commit.
- [Kdenlive Settings] Move Monitor bg color to colors tab. Commit.
- [Kdenlive Settings] Remove “preview volume” option. Commit.
- [Code Gardening] Remove unused file. Commit.
- Refactor color chooser code to reduce duplication. Commit.
- Add Qt Designer plugin including TimecodeDisplay. Commit.
- [Build System] Fix: feature_summary should be called last. Commit.
- Attempt to solve subtitle Right to Left languages. Commit. See issue #1519
- Try to fix Mac OS 10.13.x. Commit.
- Seek to item last frame on paste. Commit.
- Fix pasting clip from a project with different fps causes image freeze. Commit.
- Remove unused include. Commit.
- [Render widget] add clickable link to edit metadata, display them in tooltip. Commit. Fixes issue #1523
- Stabilize: Focus stabilized clip when created if original clip was selected in bin. Allow replacing original in bin instead of creating an additional clip. Commit. Fixes issue #1506
- Hide .kdenlive extension in title bar. Commit.
- Fix effect overlay not properly scaling on monitor zoom. Commit.
- [Compositions] Add xml uis to have allow translation. Commit. Fixes bug #414939
- [dev-docs] Remove instruction about translations. Commit.
- Fix minor typos. Commit.
- [Code Gartening] Remove unused code. Commit.
- [Kdenlive Settings] Remove unused ffmpegaudiothumbnails option. Commit.
- [Kdenlive Settings] Remove unused usekuiserver option. Commit.
- [Kdenlive Settings] Remove unused bypasscodeccheck option. Commit.
- Fix merge messup. Commit.
- [Kdenlive Settings] Improve layout and usability. Commit.
- [Project Settings] Clean up. Commit.
- Cleanup: improve code handling timeline preview selection. Commit.
- Do not ignore po folder. Commit.
- Reuse EncodingProfilesChooser in Project Settings to reduce code duplication, don’t allow selecting incompatible preview profile. Commit.
- [Code Gardening] Improve readability of ClipThumbs.qml. Commit.
- [Online Resources] Add provider for Pixabay Videos. Commit. Fixes bug #435569
- [Online Resource Providers] Support object downloadUrls arrays. Commit.
- [Resource Widget] Fix open licens and provider website. Commit.
- Timeline preview: ensure we don’t insert chunks of the wrong size (would cause 1 on 2 chunks to fail insert), ensure the orange “working” chunks disappears on stop. Commit.
- Fix thumbnails for loopable clips. Commit.
- [Image Sequence] Fix wrong thumbnails. Commit.
- [Image Sequences] Fix loop option. Commit. Fixes bug #382432
- Fix tab order of all config pages as well as render widget. Commit. Fixes issue #1536
- Fix possible profile corruption when switching to a never used profile. Commit. Fixes issue #1320
- Fix crash closing proxy test dialog. Commit. Fixes issue #1160
- Fix EncodingProfilesChooser layout. Commit.
- Minor string fixes. Commit.
- Fix(License): Update COPYING with original text. Commit.
- [DocBook] Add URL to new version of the documentation. Commit.
- Fix audio capture saved in wrong folder. Commit. Fixes issue #1533
- Check every 2 weeks the size of cached data and warn user if it exceeds the defined limit. Commit.
- Add a max cache size config setting so that we can check if the total cached data exceeds this limit and warn user. Commit.
- Cache data: show warning when it exceeds 1Gb. Commit.
- Manage cached data: add info tooltip to explain different types of cached data. Remove very small cache directories on cleanup. Commit.
- Put metadata directly in XML from doc. Commit. Fixes bug #458718
- Fix track audio level empty on pause. Commit.
- Align master audio level with MLT’s audiolevel filter (use only the first 200 samples). Commit.
- Don’t add unnecessary audio level filter on master. Commit.
- Deprecate MLT’s old boxblur filter (replaced with new box_blur effect). Commit. Fixes issue #932
- Partial fix for pasting to a document with a different fps (effect keyframes remain broken), display a warning. Commit. See issue #1500
- Fix pasting effect with keyframes partially broken. Commit.
- Correctly preselect timeline toolbar when editing it from context menu. Commit. Fixes issue #1501
- Minor fix for updated MLT audiolevel filter (will fix track levels). Commit.
- Fix effect stack view incorrect on hide keyframes (was still showing the timecode). Commit.
- Display timeline color area for effects with only 1 keyframe, hide adjustable keyframe from timeline when there is only 1 keyframe. Commit. Fixes issue #1522
- Fix ghost keyframes created when pasting an effect to a clip that has a crop start smaller than source clip and on clip speed resize. Commit. See issue #1394
- Show a hamburger menu in the main toolbar if menu bar is hidden. Commit. Fixes bug #358390
- Update and clean up QML imports. Commit.
- Show message on bin item deletion failure. Commit. See bug #459260
- Fix crash on bin clip deletion with instance on locked track. Commit. Fixes bug #459260
- Add test for bin clip deletion with instance on locked track. Commit. See bug #459260
- Fixed thumbnail cache not being rebuilt anymore in “Show video preview in thumbnails” mode. Commit.
- Add option to disable countdown on audio record. Commit. Fixes issue #1521
- Fix archiving project with no external files (color/title clips only). Commit.
- Don’t update keyframe parameters when changing a keyframe selection state. Commit.
- Add subtitle track type. Commit.
- Fix tests crash. Commit.
- Fix vp8 with alpha render crash. Commit.
- Don’t delete audio tasks when switching profile. Commit.
- Fix usage count column visible in bin. Commit.
- Fix uninitialized var messing audio record and possible crash. Commit.
- Fix sorting by date not working for newly inserted clips, other sorting issues. Commit. See bug #458784
- Don’t mess rotation data on proxy transcoding. Commit. See issue #1520
- Add pipewire audio driver to selection of SDL output. Commit.
- Fix crash when clip is modified by external app. Commit.
- Fix last commit breaking paste and tests. Commit.
- Warn user if a paste operation is in progress. Commit.
- Fix paste clip broken until close/repoen app if trying to paste an invalid clip (missing of playlist with different fps). Commit.
- Don’t hardcode default track compositing (get ready for qtblend v3). Commit.
- Fix clip start tooltip when there already is a mix. Commit.
- Fix double clicking mixed clip start corrupting mix. Commit.
- Fix incorrect mutex unlock in thumbs cache. Commit.
- Ensure tasks are properly terminated on close, fix incorrect mutex in thumbnailcache causing corruption. Commit.
- Simplify code for keyboard scheme download with KF 5.98. Commit.
- [Qt6] Fix amiguous conversion. Commit.
- Use KDEInstallDirs instead of KDEInstallDirs5. Commit.
- Use static QRegularExpression. Commit.
- Port from deprecated *_INSTALL_DIR to KDE_INSTALL_*. Commit.
- [Qt6] Temporarily disable subtitle encoding test (TODO). Commit.
- [Qt6] Fix version comparison. Commit.
- [Qt6] Fix install paths. Commit.
- [Qt6] Fix tests build. Commit.
- [Qt6] Disable deprecated QQuickStyle checking. Commit.
- [Qt6] Disable deprecated KNewStuff code (TODO: port). Commit.
- [Qt6] Try to port OpenGL related code (not working yet). Commit.
- [Qt6] Port deprecated itemDelegate() to itemDelegateForIndex(). Commit.
- [Qt6] Port two more missing + to | for QKeySequence. Commit.
- [Qt6] Port deprecated globalPos() to globalPosition(). Commit.
- [Qt6] Port changed functions. Commit.
- [Qt6] Fix QFont::Weight enum. Commit.
- [Qt6] Port one missed event->y(). Commit.
- Fix “invalid conversion from ‘char’ to ‘const char*’” (Qt6). Commit.
- [Qt6] Try to fix. Commit.
- [Qt6] Disable more parts of Mediacapture for Qt6 (TODO: port). Commit.
- [Qt6] Fix parameter type. Commit.
- [Qt6] Disable parts of Mediacapture for Qt6 (TODO: port). Commit.
- Port QRegExp to QRegularExpression. Commit.
- [Qt6] Fix syntax. Commit.
- Disable already unused video capture code (needs fixing). Commit.
- [Qt6] Port QAbstractItemView::itemDelegate to itemDelegateForIndex. Commit.
- Port remaining + to | for QKeySequences. Commit.
- [Qt6] Port QTextStream::setCodec to QTextStream::setEncoding. Commit.
- [Qt6] Use QMultiMapIterator for QMultiMap iteration. Commit.
- Fix ambiguous number -> string conversion. Commit.
- [Qt6] Port away from deprecated QMouseEvent::x() and QMouseEvent::y(). Commit.
- Fix QLocal::decimalPoint() returns QString in Qt6. Commit.
- [Qt6] Port some deprecated QVariant functions. Commit.
- Port deprecated QVariant::canConvert. Commit.
- Dummy port away from QAudioRecorder. Commit.
- Use versionless targets if building against Qt6. Commit.
- Add Qt6 CI. Commit.
- Remove duplicate headers between cpp/h. Commit.
- Ensure queued tasks are not started on project or test close. Commit.
- Add description to save stack effect dialog. Commit. Fixes issue #582
- Don’t remove consecutive spaces in SRT subtitles. Commit. Fixes bug #457878
- Fix two untranslatable UI strings. Commit.
- [Export Guides] Fix layout. Commit.
- Use QColorUtils instead of custom function, fix qml warnings. Commit.
- Port away from deprecated KIO code. Commit.
- Remove unused includes. Commit.
- Fix several issues with QText clips. Commit.
- Fix archiving when a clip is added twice in a project. Commit.
- [REUSE] Add (missing) license headers for test code. Commit.
- Add test loading broken subtitle file. Commit.
- Remove unused include. Commit.
- Remove wrong commit disabling subtitles test. Commit.
- File loading: better separate model from ui to make testing easier. Commit.
- Fix tests. Commit.
- Ensure mix can easily be resized until clip end. Commit.
- Fix project corruption on resize mix start. Commit. See issue #1499
- Fix loading projects with corrupted mix (remove mix and broken clip). Related to #1499. Commit.
- Fix incorrect profile comparison. Commit.
- In project settings > delete unused files, don’t show color clips as url, don’t propose deleting missing files. Commit.
- Fix error and corruption loading reverted mixes. Commit.
- Port deprecated method. Commit.
- Fix ambiguous widget name. Commit.
- Fix compilation with KF5 5.86. Commit.
- Update kdenliveeffectscategory.rc adding typewriter to Stylize. Commit.
- Update typewriter.xml restoring type to text and updating the name of the effect. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.shear. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.scroll. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.photosensitivity. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.monochrome. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.median. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.kirsch. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.exposure. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.epx. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.colortemperature. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.colorize. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.colorcorrect. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.colorcontrast. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.chromanr. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.cas. Commit.
- Added xml UI for the avfilter.bilateral. Commit.
- Update kdenliveeffectscategory.rc. Commit.
- Updated blacklisted_effects.txt. Commit.
- Updated CMakeLists.txt for frei0r effects. Commit.
- Added xml interface for the frei0r_bigsh0t_eq_to_stereo. Commit.
- Update typewriter effect make it hidden. Commit.
- Fix cannot drag clip from monitor. Commit.
- Render profiles: make text parameters read-only, and add a button to switch to text edit only as mixing manual editing with presets is unreliable. Commit. See issue #1441
- KMessageBox::detailedSorry is deprecated in kf5.96. Commit.
- It’s UTF-8 by default in qt6. Commit.
- Add test for regression issue #1494. Commit.
- Fix cast to double moved outside division. Commit.
- Fix wrong use of useSourceProfile. Commit.
- KMessageBox::sorry is deprecated in kf5.97. Commit.
- Simplify confusing logic in ThumbnailCache::getKey(). Commit.
- Fix spelling in render preset dialog. Commit.
- WarningContinueCancel -> error. Commit.
- Try to fix project profile corruption. Commit. See issue #1494
- Fix possible crash on profile switch, based on a contribution from Ivan Sudakov. Commit. See issue #1320
- Add tooltip for dragging audio/video component to another track (Meta). Commit.
- Fix filtering TreeItem lists by non-ASCII strings. Commit. Fixes bug #432699
- Add test for non-ascii list filtering (bug 432699). Commit.
- Test histogram handling RGB/BGR. Commit.
- Use QImage::pixel() in rgbparadegenerator.cpp. Commit.
- Use QImage::pixel() in waveform. Commit.
- Test waveform RGB/BGR handling. Commit.
- Change vectorscope to use QImage::pixel(). Commit. Fixes bug #453149
- Test vectorscope switching red and blue. Commit.
- Fix extract frame for playlist clips. Commit.
- Fix document folder incorrectly set on loading project with “Use parent folder as project folder”. Commit. See issue #1492
- Extract frame: process in another frame so we don’t block the UI, make sure effects are applied. Commit. See issue #1491
- Render last frame. Commit.
- Better phrasing for project load error. Commit.
- Export guides: add info button listing possible keywords. Commit.
- Guess subtitle encoding before importing. Commit. Fixes bug #456871
- Make monitor zone out be last frame number. Commit.
- Fix Insert Zone to Bin out point off by 1. Commit. Fixes bug #455883
- Itemize Flatpak instructions in ``. Commit.
- Get rid of KOpenWithDialog to select default external applications (doesn not work on Windows/Mac), make path to glaxnimate configurable. Commit.
- Don’t wait for a clip to be ready to get its type. Commit. Fixes bug #456619