

Últimas noticias

Kdenlive 23.08.5 released

Kdenlive 23.08.5 released

Kdenlive 23.08.5 has been released, featuring a multitude of bug fixes, including many issues related to nested sequences and same-track transitions. This release temporarily removes Movit effects until they are stable for production. However, the primary focus of...

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Kdenlive 24.02.0 RC ready for testing

Kdenlive 24.02.0 RC ready for testing

Kdenlive development has been very active since our November sprint focusing on the 24.02 KDE Mega Release, that will be based on Qt6 (but is still compatible with Qt5) and KF6. In addition to the essential porting tasks, we dedicated efforts to fixing numerous bugs...

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Kdenlive 23.08.4 released

Kdenlive 23.08.4 released

Kdenlive 23.08.4 comes with a safeguard when working with variable framerate footage and fixes time remapping and subtitling issues. This version also brings back audio stem export support, which allows to render audio tracks as separate files. In case you are...

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