

Últimas noticias

Kdenlive sprint news #1

Kdenlive sprint news #1

Part of the Kdenlive team is currently meeting in Paris at the La cité des sciences e de l'industrie to improve the project. We've tackled several goals, starting with being together. The magic of this kind of project leads to situations where we work together without...

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Kdenlive in Paris

The next weeks will be exciting for Kdenlive! First, there is a Kdenlive sprint, that will take place in Paris from the 25th to the 29th of april. We are very proud to be hosted at the Carrefour Numérique in the Cité des Sciences, Paris. Our team will dedicate this...

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Kdenlive Café #27 and #28 – You can’t miss it

Kdenlive Café #27 and #28 – You can’t miss it

Timeline refactoring, new Pro features, packages for fast and easy install, Windows version and a bunch of other activities are happening in the Kdenlive world NOW! Be part of our growing community and bring your contribution to create the best video editor...

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