Kdenlive sprint news #1

Kdenlive sprint news #1

Part of the Kdenlive team is currently meeting in Paris at the La cité des sciences e de l’industrie to improve the project. We’ve tackled several goals, starting with being together. The magic of this kind of project leads to situations where we work...

Mini Bug Squashing Day

  In preparation for the 17.12 release we will be holding a mini bug squashing day on the 1st of December, between 10:00 and 15:30 (CET time). Community members are invited to submit their bug suggestions. For developers interested in contributing to the project...

Akademy 2017 talk

The talk by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle’s at Akademy 2017 is released along with many other interesting talks. Akademy is the annual world summit of KDE, one of the largest Free Software communities in the world. It is a free, non-commercial event organized by the...

Kdenlive 17.08.3 released

The last dot release of the 17.08 series is out with minor fixes. We continue focus on the refactoring branch with steady progress towards a stable release. Fixes Set a proper desktop file name to fix an icon under Wayland. Commit. Sort clip zones by position instead...

Kdenlive 17.08.2 released

The second minor release of the 17.08 series is out adding a rotate from image center option in the Transform effect among other usability improvements. In other news the dev team continues making progress for the much anticipated 17.12 release. Start the countdown!...