by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle | Jul 30, 2023 | News, Uncategorized |
After an inspiring participation to Akademy, where we presented some of the actions we want to take to improve Kdenlive’s stability and reliability, we are announcing the first beta version for the upcoming Kdenlive 23.08.0 version. The Kdenlive 23.04.x version...
by Farid Abdelnour | Jul 22, 2023 | News, Releases, Uncategorized
Kdenlive 23.04.3 is out with many fixes to recent regressions and usability improvements to the audio mixer levels display and subtitle widget on smaller screens. Full log Fix tests. Commit. Fix effects disappearing from timeline sequence and other sync issues....
by Farid Abdelnour | Jun 15, 2023 | News, Releases, Uncategorized |
Kdenlive 23.04.2 brings several bug fixes and enhancements to improve the stability of Timelines Sequences. Among the bug fixes, we addressed a freeze that occurred when encountering a duplicate sequence, sequence creation from selection, and re-enabling of sequence...
by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle | May 13, 2023 | News, Releases, Uncategorized |
Kdenlive 23.04.1 has just been released, and all users of the 23.04.0 version are strongly encouraged to upgrade. The 23.04.0 release of Kdenlive introduced major changes with the support of nested timeline. However, several issues leading to crashes and project...
by Farid Abdelnour | Apr 30, 2023 | News, Uncategorized |
We would like to announce the immediate availability of Kdenlive 23.04.0a fixing an issue where projects would fail to load under certain circumstances. We recommend all users to...
by Farid Abdelnour | Apr 24, 2023 | News, Releases, Uncategorized |
Attention: Kdenlive version 23.04.0 comes with a new project file version 1.1 which is not backward compatible. Once opened in 23.04.0 you cannot open the project file in older versions. We are excited to announce the availability of the latest Kdenlive 23.04.0...