

Últimas noticias

The Titler Revamp: QML Producer in the making

The previous month's been a ride! At the beginning of this month, I started testing out the new producer as I had a good, rough structure for the producer code, and was only facing a few minor problems. Initially, I was unclear about how exactly the producer is going...

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Kdenlive 19.08 released

After a well deserved summer break, the Kdenlive community is happy to announce the first major release after the code refactoring. This version comes with a big amount of fixes and nifty new features which will lay the groundwork for the 3 point editing system...

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Month 2 in making the Titler – GSoC ’19

Hi! It's been a while 🙂 And sorry for that, I had planned to update last week but couldn't do so as I had few health issues but now I'm alright. The QML MLT producer - the progress so far... From my understanding so far (forgive me for any mistakes that I might make...

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