
Das erste Wartungsrelease der 22.12er Serie mit Unterstützung für Akaso-Proxy-Dateien und einer kleinen Verbesserung der Audio-Pause/Wiedergabe ist da. Weitere Verbesserungen betreffen das Rendering der Zeitleistenvorschau, Kopieren/Einfügen/Verschieben von Keyframes im Rotoscoping-Effekt, Verschieben von Clips bei niedrigen Zoomstufen und Behebung der Hintergrund-Überlagerung bei Untertitel mit Alpha-Hintergründen.

Full log

  • New camera proxy for Akaso. Commit.
  • Fix replacing image clip discards its duration. Commit. Fixes bug #463382
  • Subtitles: when using a background with alpha, draw one rect around all lines to avoid overlay issues. Commit.
  • Fix multiple issues with copy/paste/move rotoscoping keyframes. Commit.
  • Don’t build designer plugins by default – only useful for developers. Commit.
  • Fix color balance filter not disabled when picking a new color. Commit.
  • Fix possible freeze on aborting edit-friendly transcoding request. Commit.
  • Fix remove space on tracks with a mix. Commit.
  • Fix editing multiple markers sets all comments to comment of first. Commit.
  • Fix designer plugin crash. Commit.
  • Fix guides move in spacer/trimming operations and tests. Commit.
  • Small improvement to audio on pause/play. Commit.
  • Fix typo. Commit.
  • Don’t interrupt timeline playback when refreshing the clip monitor or changing preview resolution. Commit.
  • Don’t show timeline preview crash message if job was stopped by a timeline operation. Commit.
  • Fix close button in status messages not working. Commit.
  • Preview chunks should be sorted by integer. Commit.
  • Fix timeline preview incorrectly stopping when moving a clip outside preview zone. Commit.
  • QMetaObject::invokeMethod should be used with Qt::DirectConnection when expecting a return argument. Commit.
  • Disable parallel processing on 32bit systems. Commit.
  • Fix pressing Esc during timeline drag corrupts timeline. Commit.
  • Fix guides incorrectly moved when unlocked. Commit.
  • Update mouse position in timeline toolbar on zoom and scroll timeline. Commit.
  • Fix crash dropping an effect with a scene (rotoscoping, transform,…) on the project monitor. Commit.
  • Fix zoom sometimes behaving incorrectly on very low zoom levels. Commit.
  • Fix zoom on mouse not working as expected when zooming after last clip. Commit.
  • Restrict guides to integer position on paint to avoid drawing artifacts. Commit.
  • Fix resize zone conflicting with move on low zoom levels. Commit.
  • Fix title clip line break sometimes pushing text outside item rect. Commit.
  • Fix rendering when using an MLT properties file with a space in it. Commit. Fixes bug #462650
  • Fix monitor overlay sometimes incorrectly placed. Commit.
  • Ensure on monitor marker color is updated even if 2 markers have the same text. Commit.
  • Cleanup monitor zone resize. Commit.