
Kdenlive: test the future

After more than 1.5 years of work, we are planning to release the refactoring version of Kdenlive in august, part of the KDE 18.08 Applications release. But taking such a decision is not easy. Most of the code was rewritten, which also means many possible regressions....
Kdenlive sprint news #1

Kdenlive sprint news #1

Part of the Kdenlive team is currently meeting in Paris at the La cité des sciences e de l’industrie to improve the project. We’ve tackled several goals, starting with being together. The magic of this kind of project leads to situations where we work...

Kdenlive in Paris

The next weeks will be exciting for Kdenlive! First, there is a Kdenlive sprint, that will take place in Paris from the 25th to the 29th of april. We are very proud to be hosted at the Carrefour Numérique in the Cité des Sciences, Paris. Our team will dedicate this...