Kdenlive Café #13 and #14 dates
Are you ready to participate in first person to the Kdenlive project? Don't loose the next 2 Kdenlive Cafés, our monthly 2 hours informal chat meeting, on: Café #13: January the 24th at 21:00 CET Café #14: February the 22nd at 21:00 CET The reference timezone is...
Kdenlive 16.12 released
The 16.12 release cycle brings the much requested Rotoscoping effect back and new effects, Library improvements, OGG render profile, UI fixes and as with every release much more stability. This release marks the first step towards implementing Advanced Trimming Tools...
Kdenlive’s first bug squashing day
Kdenlive 16.12 will be released very soon, and we are trying to fix as many issues as possible. This is why we are organizing a Bug squashing day, this friday, 2nd of december 2016 between 9am and 5 pm (Central European Time - CET). Kdenlive needs you There are...
Kdenlive Café #11 and #12 dates set
Mark in your agenda the dates for the next cafés: Café #11: November the 23rd at 21:00 CET Café #12: December the 14th at 21:00 CET The reference timezone is always the Central European Time zone CET, UTC+1.
Kdenlive presentation and news
Kdenlive live presentation I will make a presentation on Kdenlive next saturday, 19th of november 2016 in Toulouse at the "Capitole du Libre" event. The Kdenlive event will be at 16h30, and lots of other interesting conferences / workshops / boots will be presenting...
Choose the Café #11 and #12 dates
Time to choose the Kdenlive Café's #11 and #12 dates: Select the dates visiting this site: https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/kedenlivecafe11and12/ Note that voting ends on the 6th of November.
Kdenlive packages available for testing
Getting the correct dependencies and up to date version of required libraries has always been a challenge for Kdenlive users. So we are pleased to announce that we now provide binary packages for download. These packages contain the latest Kdenlive development version...
Next Kdenlive Café #10
Our monthly Kdenlive Café will take place this wednesday, 19th of October at 9pm (European summer time - UTC+2). You can meet us on irc.freenode.org to discuss about Kdenlive, and don't hesitate to come by if you want to get involved in the project!
Kdenlive 16.08.2 released
This is the second service release of the 16.08 cycle with a total of 36 commits fixing many keyframe related problems as well as improvements to proxy clip rendering, user interface, workflow and compilation issues. This cycle saw the launch of the Toolbox section of...
Kdenlive Transitions: 3-in-1
Scratching your head what Kdenlive transitions really are? They are 3-in-1. Still scratching? Then our new toolbox post about Kdenlive Transitions may come to your rescue...
Working With Kdenlive’s Library
We've put up a new toolbox page: how to use Kdenlive's library. We also cover the details about expanding library clips. (Part of our ongoing Toolbox series.)
Kdenlive news and packaging
Following our last week's monthly Café, we decided to concentrate on advanced trimming features and if possible an audio mixer for the next Kdenlive 16.12 release. It was also mentionned that several users requested the comeback of the rotoscoping effect, which was...
New Toolbox Section
We've added a new Toolbox section that has posts dedicated to new and improved functionality in Kdenlive. Check back regularily for updates.
Kdenlive Café, 20th of september
Today we will start again our monthly Kdenlive Café after a summer pause. All interested users are invited to join in for this informal meeting. The Café will take place this tuesday, 20th of september 2016, at 9pm Central European Summer Time (CEST = UTC + 2), on our...
Kdenlive 16.08.1 released
We are happy to announce a new dot release with some improvements and various fixes. We also celebrate some code contribution from Harald Albrecht (TheDive0) hoping to see more devs joining our team. Improved Workflow Persistent Directories Now Kdenlive...
Kdenive Café #9 and #10 open for selection
The dates for the Kdelive cafés' #9 and #10 are open for selection: https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/kedenlivecafe9and10/ On Sunday October 11 we'll know the results. See you then!