A collection of posts covering new and improved functionality. Check back regularily for updates! AllAudioProjects 3 point editing intro Fixing Unwanted Slow Audio Fade-Ins with Some USB Audio Cards The “Smooth” Keyframe Interpolation Insert & Overwrite Advanced Timeline Editing HOWTO Fading In/Out Kdenlive Titles Editing audio volume with keyframes Adding Meta Data to MP4 Video Compositing with Transparency Kdenlive Transitions Timeline Preview Rendering Library Clips with Image Sequences, Titles, Color Clips The Library: Copy & Paste Between Projects Automatically Raising the Properties Pane Extract Frame to Project Timeline Track Header Improvements Cure Projects with Odd Audio Mixing Behavior Timeline Track Compositing Cure Projects with Oddly-Behaving Transparent Tracks Selective Timeline Clip Disabling Manage Cached Data Disable All Timeline Effects Timeline Track LEDs Effects Everywhere Configuring the Default Transition Duration Timeline Clips & Transitions Appearance