
Kdenlive 20.08 is out

Kdenlive 20.08 is out with nifty features like Interface Layouts, Multiple Audio Stream support, Cached data management and Zoombars in the Clip Monitor and Effects Panel but one may argue that the highlights of this release are stability and interface improvements....

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GSoC’20 Progress: Week 7 and 8

Greetings! With the subtitle information, i.e., the text, the start and end points of each subtitle, being correctly stored in the abstract list model, I shifted my focus in these two weeks towards the UI development of subtitles in the timeline. First, to confirm...

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GSoC ’ 20 Progress: Week 5 and 6

Greetings! The Second Phase began with Week 5 of the coding period. The next two weeks involved debugging the previously written code and including necessary connections for it to work. For this, I made use of the signal - slot mechanism of the splendid framework that...

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GSoC ’ 20 Progress: Week 3 and 4

Greetings! The past two weeks did not see as much progress as I would have liked because of my university exams and evaluations. Now, let’s focus on the work that I could do before I got swamped with the academic work and term exams. I started the third week by...

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GSoC’ 20 Progress: Week 1 and 2 

Greetings! It's been two weeks since the coding period began and I would love to share with the community the progress I have made so far.  In the past two weeks, I focused on implementing a basic class for handling subtitles. First, I created a class called...

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Basic Subtitling Support in Kdenlive – GSoC ’20

Greetings to all! A month ago I was selected to participate as a student in Google Summer of Code with Kdenlive. The Community Bonding period is coming to an end and the coding period will soon commence.  In this post, I am going to talk about what the project is...

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Kdenlive Titler Tool Rewrite – An Update

Kdenlive’s Titler Tool rewrite began with GSoC 2019 and now I am happy to announce that we have an MLT producer which can play .qml files with animations! The producer is being now integrated in Kdenlive. These are the QML Animation types that are supported and tested...

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Kdenlive 20.04.1 released

We just released the first bugfix version for the 20.04 Kdenlive version. Despite our continued work, many issues were still affecting the 20.04.0 version. A lot of work has been done to fix crashes and other annoying issues, so the 20.04.1 version should be much more...

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Maintenance release 20.04.0b

Fast on the heels of the 20.04.0 release comes 20.04.0b. This fix corrects: Several crash fixes Broken timeline preview Broken image sequences Non working audio drag from monitor Incorrect timecode in 23.98 fps Broken archive feature Compositions broken on insert...

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Kdenlive 20.04 is out

Jean-Baptiste Mardelle and team are happy to announce the release of Kdenlive 20.04, this version marks the one year anniversary release of the code refactoring. The highlights include major speed improvements due to the Preview Scaling feature, New rating, tagging...

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Season of KDE 2020 and GSOC

I was introduced to a whole new world of Open Source and version control systems a few months back and I have come a long way from there. I made my first pull request in October, worked on my project in November, took part in Season of KDE 2020 in December, worked on...

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Kdenlive 19.12.3 is out

The last minor release of the 19.12 series is out with bug fixes and usability improvements. Next month we mark the one year anniversary of the refactored code base so stay tuned for many nifty features coming like pitch shifting, tagging and rating of clips in the...

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Kdenlive 19.12.2

The second minor release of the 19.12 series is out with Qt 5.14 compatibility, Project Bin ability to sort subclips in chronological order, crash fixes and interface enhancements. Cleaner deletion order on exit. Commit. Fix crash on new project with Qt 5.14. Commit....

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Kdenlive 19.12.1 is out

Kdenlive 19.12.1 is out with many bug fixes and usability improvements. For the whole 19.12 release cycle we will continue focusing on polishing the rough edges in preparation the next major release in April.     Adjust clip borders. Commit. Ensure we don't...

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Kdenlive 19.12 is out

After four months of intense work and more than 200 commits, Jean-Baptiste Mardelle and the Kdenlive team are happy to announce the release of Kdenlive 19.12.0. This release comes with many changes under the hood, new features and nifty eye candy additions. The...

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